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The Crimson Crow's


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Chapter 1/Legacy


The bell struck, its' thundering sound echoed across the city, the voices ceased and the birds scurried into the sky that was still and unmoving.

The gathering begun, the stench of death tickling the nostril of every man, woman and child who stood watch. The city, a city that was made of shanty towns within the lower district, the cobblestone roads soaking with tears and human wastes and rotting food. The residential buildings built of cheap wood and rotting sheet metal for a roof, the windows covered with a yellow like paper. Each individual dressed as if the rags for a washcloth was stitched into a manner of what some call a dress, a tunic, leggins, and other assortments of clothing. Each of them grimacing at the sight of the gallows that stand tall stained with blood and the pile of dead bodies.


The wind was still, the stench was clear, the very essence around them hung like death was tickling at their very ears with the echoes of silent cries and the murmur of grief. A line formed on the stairway to the gallows, a dozen men chained together awaiting their deaths while the town crier, dressed in formal attire called out their names as he unrolled the parchment he had in his sweaty hands. He looked to a man, who sat on a chair made of plain wood he was dressed as royalty but he was nay of any royal tree. The man nodded, signaling the next batch of men to approach the gallows. The crier nodded and red. "Emillio, Vinnius, Elerious,Draneric, and Leoric."

He presented them by waving his left hand to the stair well, armored men clad in steel unlocked the chains that was placed on their ankles and wrists.


The man who sat on the chair grinned, as he watched one man try to run from his execution he was only cut down by a wave of a sword; his blood spewing from the neck down to his chest. The rest, slowly walked up the stairwell, it creaked with the moan of old and rotting wood. They each formed a line, ropes dangling above their heads as the executioner one by one tied the thick rope around their necks, adjusting the size to their Adams Apple.


The executioner looked back to the sitting man and nodded, he slowly rose to his feet and walked in front of the bound to be dead man and spoke with a loud and booming voice.

"This! is the fate for all my enemies, this! is the doomed fate for all those who betray my trust...and I swear to you by the gods I pay in full price when blood is demanded!" He pointed to the men whose necks be bound to the ropes he laughed whole heartily and spoke again.


"I have brought down the house of Varro, I have won the battle of Stygian, I have fought the war of the plains and this is what I was challenged with!" The man grinned shaking his head. He bowed his head, the crowd watched intently but with fear, their eyes widened to the surprise of the mans humorous mood.

"The gods show mercy on you." He said as he gestured with a flick of his wrist, then the trap door beneath the dead men flung open the sound of necks snapping cracked in the air like lightning. The peasants winced, some gasping and others remaining silent and even perhaps some were amused.


"Artarion." Another man said, stepping upon the gallows he looked to Artarion with a scowl. "Your business concludes here, we will take care of the rest of them."

Artarion smiled, he bowed his head to the man and said. "Guard Captain Davros, it is all yours." Artarion leaned close dropping a rather large sack of coins into Davro's hand. Artarion leaned in to the captains ear and muttered. "I believe our business is concluded.." Artarion pats the guard captains armored silver shoulder and walks off in a brisk pace down the stair well. His men, or so called muscle followed him into the streets the peasants parting like rats from his path.

Each guard of Artarions was clad in Black steel, their armor was bulk and thick over the breastplate they wore a tabard, the insignia of a crow of crimson with its wings spread apart shined upon the black tabard, its edges embroided in gold.


Artarion and his personal escorts walked the streets, with each block the buildings status became more of a accepting appearance. The buildings became built with a more cleaner wood, the air began to smell fresh, each window was made of glass, each building billowed smoke from their stone chimneys. Soon, a few blocks past the stone buildings appeared, their tall stature putting a shadow over its' lesser residents. Each corner was filled with thriving open markets, men yelling over crowds of over zealous citizens that were dressed with exceptional fabric. Artarion, at last reached his office, a tall building made of wood and brick, the windows gleamed with is clean and shining reflection of passing citizens. The double doors were guarded by his most trusted warriors, who kept watch at every movement since his office was placed at the very heart of the market place and it was quite at work today and many had to watch their coin purses. Artarion absently checked his coin purse, still intact though he would not think of anyone ever trying to pickpocket him.


He entered, opening the double doors as his men followed they each dispersed left and right within the lounge area. There was many men within the interior, it was filled with people sparring within the courtyard, initiates swinging at dummies to the east wing of his courtyard. And within the entrance there was what he called

lounge area, where his men would each take a table, sit and drink telling tales of the jobs they had taken. Artarion was a man of business, he was a man of powerful capabilities. He was respected throughout the city, the guards he would payoff would not interfere with any jobs that broke the law which were many. Throughout Artarions life he had fought battles, won wars against those who wished to move into his territory with a decisive blow. He had been doing this for thirty five years, it is the longest a lord of house Whitestrake has ever reigned within the boundaries, and he had expanded to the whole west and east part of the capital city.


Artarion, walked into his personal office in the second floor within his house and stood infront of the mirror he sighed as his age slowly crept up on him. His fingers ran through his rugged slicked back grey and white hair, his clean shaven beard was of the same hue of his hair. He was quite the tall man, boasting at 6'2 with the muscle of a young professional assassin and the dexterity of a master in acrobatics. He was strong, and he knew it, he was quick witted smart and quite lucky.

He pulled his cloak off, revealing his royal clothing. He wore a steel breastplate under his royal velvet sash. His right pauldron was of steel, it was crafted elegantly and professionaly the engravings for dramatic decoration at she pauldron was meant to look of a ravens wing protruding from his right shoulder. His left arm was not armored but covered with the tunic he wore under his breastplate, it was made of the finest blue silk the edges made of pure gold.


Artarion gave a cheeky smile, then sat down on his desk taking off his longsword sheathe from his side and placing beside his chair he leaned back letting out a deep sigh of relief. "Boss" A voice spoke within the room, Artarion nearly jumped but just sat up and said.


"You have to stop doing that..."




"Because I said so."


The figure grunted as he approached. He was a slender man, his face was covered with a shroud so only his grey eyes were visible. He was of the eastern origin and he had a accent of one as well. "What is it.." Artarion said as he rubbed the wearyness from his eyes.


The shrouded man spoke, his voice was gentle and calm. "Lorrin and Theoban went to the designated locations as you asked, they filled the coffers willingly thank the gods, then they hit each tavern, brothel, gambling joint, and local markets..we are up to one-hundred and fifty percent in earnings boss." His voice hinted with excitement. "Mm, yes don't get to excited Ja'bar, expanding means two things." He held up two fingers. "We make friends, or we make enemies."

Ja'bar nodded, "What of House Lyrron." Ja'bar asked. "What of it." Artarion replied. "We are..moving into his territory are we not."

Artarion hm'ed and nodded, he opened a drawer from his desk, throwing out six leather sacks fat with coin. "Get Linius, Sticks, Marrio and Kiera." Ja'bar nodded, then he asked. "What do you wi-" Artarion quickly interrupted. "I want them to approach Lyrrons controlled area, mainly the gambling joints near the taverns 'blue moon' and 'flames wright' then, I want them burn it.." Artarion grinned shooing Ja'bar but within that moment screams were heard, Artarion became quiet, Ja'bar stared out the window for only a moment. Almost as if time slowed a massive shock wave made the building shake with feriocity, the windows exploded and smoke came from each one. Artarion flew from his desk and into Ja'bar, the massive explosion sending him off his feet and into his associate.


Artarions ears rung, voices were muffled as screams of terror were sounding like the noon bell. He rubbed his ears, coming to his feet slowly he stumbled to the window behind his desk..which was now thrown across his office. He peered outside, his vision slightly blurred he saw his Market place in pieces. The bodies of dozens lie dismembered by the explosion, his vision was nearly none from the billowing smoke but he made out dozens of bodies.


His hearing returned slowly, his breathing was heavy and he saw figures appear within the smoke. Each of them he knew held a weapon, each of them armored and ready to kill. Lyrron..broke the rules, never to assault the headquarters it was the rules of ancient house warfare..but they broke it. Artarion became enraged at this

appalling act, so, he let a roar that everyone throughout the district heard. "Crows!" he screamed in anger.


War..war now begun like a storm within the unforgiving ocean of endless change...clear..but unpredictable it began.

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Chapter 2




"You see Artarions little show?" A voice spoke, the tone was of rather contemplating and deep thought. He stood, biting into a apple keeping a watch on passing peasants and other small time people. Watching them commune and converse as if the execution never happened, as if families did not lose a single soul this day,

The two, who stood leaning against a stone wall were within the district of the most appalling poverty within the city of Adrilisa; the capital city of the empire and whom their angelic emperor resided. Trash was at every corner, woman in tattered clothing offering themselves to the lowest of all life, it was truly a sight so see within the city.

Across the city where the rich swell their bellies whole on the other side of the capital. While the ones who work throughout their lives with little pay get to starve and fight for the pickings.

It was out of normality for these people, they had no vision of what the west and east side of the city looked like. They would sit there in the streets dreaming of the heaven that is just beyond the massive gates that separated the rich and the poor, the loved and the hated. But yes this common district which was another name for the poorest section of the capital was ripe with fruit. It was the most wealthiest spoils for any house and house Lyrron had it to himself. Throughout his life he controlled this area and now it is threatened.


"Was I suppose to?" A soft voice echoed throughout the ally, it was a man though. A rather small and skinny like figure, not much muscle but the speed compensates for lack of it he supposed. The rather large of a brute man, who was shaved bald. His head gleamed with the reflection of the shining sun. Looked to the small man with a raised brow.

His expression rather showing slight confusion and aggression, but the slender man took note that it was his normal look. All brute but no brain. He was from this district to be exact, his accent was of a more dwarvish sounding lisp. Although he was no dwarf he spoke and sounded like on, it struck the slender man quite odd but he did not come to care in the next few moments. The brute wore a simple tan tunic with lacing about his collar and down to his chest. Leather leggins that had reinforced knee cap protection when he does the dirty work. A large broad sword hung from his back within a sheathe, it was crafted for him since he was the only one strong enough to wield it with two hands.


"I suppose you hop from roof to roof, window to window and such..would a execution be more of an..eh..entertainment?" The brute said, his eyes on the cold blue iris of the slender man.


"Bah," The slender one snarled shaking his head. "We are not to be barbarians Midas, we are of higher quality then that. The Whitestrake House are full of..merciless killers and they are a house that should be put to the stake."


Midas nodded, tossing the apple aside with a grin. "You...are a merciless killer Balian, so don't be calling we men of stature brutes."


Balian rolled his eyes, he knew Midas was jesting but he did not care. So Balian checked his weaponry hidden behind his cloak, the throwing daggers, the rapier on his waist, the short sword strapped on his back, poisoned darts, and at last his coin purse for amusement that is. Balian wore a dark brown cloak, that covered is weaponry, though the sound of it clanking together couldn't be helped. He wore no armor, he would much rather stick to his clothing. A loose tunic that was usually worn by bards but he had it for reasons untold, leggins made of the fine black cloth and leather boots strapped tight to his feet.


"Heads up." Balian said quietly, he gestured with a nod towards a local brothel they owned and protected. Midas peered over, looking to the center of the street which were filled with commoners and run down one story buildings besides the wooden brothel which was between two housing structures. Balian narrowed his eyes to the three men who approached, they had weapons and fine ones at that. "Steel, Crimson Crows."


Midas nodded. "Forty five coins say those are Mennians men." Midas glanced to Balian, awaiting an answer for their bet to who is who. Balian concentrated, he flexed his wrist as he tested the spring that released his throwing dagger into his capable hands. Balians eyes grew wide, he looked to Midas noting that he had the same expression. Within the streets one of the fine clothed men grinned, harassing the woman who stood outside by pushing and shoving. Though that was not what caught Midas and Balian off guard, it was a shining glow coming from one of their palms. A red glow, then green, then yellow.


"They have a sorcerer." Balian muttered, cursing under his breath as he gritted his teeth. "Wait for it." Balian said, they have not been spotted but they soon will be if they happen to see them do anything stupid. At that moment the one with glowing palms kicked the brothel doors open, raised his palms readying a magical strike.

In a spur of blood a throwing dagger impaled right threw the magicians chest appeared. He fell to his knees gurgling his own putrid blood, trying to say words but nothing coherent. Steel appeared in the other two's hands in a blink of an eye, searching within the screaming crowd of who committed the vile act.


Balian used the cover of the scattering crowds to cover himself, to be one with the crowd and be invisible to the obvious. Midas, who took off in his own spur of rage had already made contact with the two, swinging his war sword at them with all his might. Balian quickly tossed another throwing dagger when he made eye contact with one of the men. Quick and agile Balian ducked from the mans sword, missing his throwing dagger shot he pulled his rapier coming to a stance which startled his opponent. Balian smirked, knowing fencing was something unheard of within the empire. Though it did not stop his opponent from charging with his sword raised high and his face full of rage to come swing without paying attention. Balian side stepped his swing, playing with his opponent like a game he sliced his wrists with a flick of his wrist and a step forward. The man, mumbled curses which in turn amused Balian. The man came at him, Balian who was full and ready feinted an attack, parried then struck. Though the surprise was that his opponent was rather quick to respond, the man protected his mid section which was the target Balian tried to go for, with a swing of his blade deflecting the thin rapier. Balian, humorously bowed his head; then made a growl. A dance it shall be Balian thought as he stepped forward slicing at the man, though he was quickly repelled by the abrupt lunge the man made. So to compensate Balian side stepped, taking the only opening the man left he did it a very dirty way. Piercing the mans neck, impaled it right through with a squirt of red mist when he pulled back out.


Balian did not enjoy such horrible deaths but he wanted to finish the dance quickly so Midas would not get overworked. The mans lifeless limp body fell to the ground with a thud, dropping his steel sword and twitched for a moment. Balian sighed for a moment with disgust of how he had to end his dance, though he looked up to Midas who was still thrashing about. Balian, slowly walked up, his rapier lowered in his hand. Using the end of his rapier he thumped the man in the head, knocking him cold. Midas, who stood in front of the unconscious body of his opponent had his sword raised above his head as if he was going to deal a deathly blow. But Balian quickly took note that he left himself open to a strike, therefore..secretly he just saved his partners life.


"I had em." Midas said with a grunt, letting his sword in his hand drop at his side.


"Of course you did." Balian said with a grin.


"I did!" Midas yelled, his free hand rubbing his bald head.


"Yes, while you think on that. I need you to get this man inside the Brothel, tell Tina that we need a spare empty room. We will see who this man works for with a little Midas Negotiations no?" Balain smiled plainly then nodded, waving his hand to the distraught half naked women who stood with their mouths open as if telling them it is all fine. Midas pulled the unconscious man by the feet into the Brothel. As Midas did so, Balian stood outside. Inspecting the bodies, then pulling his knives from his enemies back and one from the brothel wooden wall. The streets were quite, the screams ceased. Only the haze of death lingered like a cold striking those who are not immune. Death was committed, and granted like a appraisal to the gods it was there. Balian who had walked to the steps of the Brothel turned looking to the dead bodies. He then see's men and woman alike in tattered clothing looting the bodies of the ones he had just killed, Balian sighed while entering the two story structure.


" The room has been set up my lord, just upstairs to the left. Last door to the right." A woman said, who was quite attractive but Balian took note she is paid to give pleasure..so nothing special will come of it. He nodded, throwing a small coin purse to the lady who informed him. "Thank you my lord." She bowed her head.

Balain looked around the room, every woman and man was silent. The voices, the moaning all of it ceased. The piano did not play the servers did not serve they all just stared with curiosity. This amused Balian, so he let out a laugh. One that made others flinch as he raised his arms as if announcing something of grand measure.


"Please, ladies and gentlemen let the party go on!" He yelled as he clicked his boots together, and at that instant the run down brothel began singing again.

Conversations were sounded, the piano played and the drinkers drunk. Balian nodded in content as he walked up the old molded wooden stairs, his hand sliding again the wooden hand rail as he walked the spiral stairwell. He finally reached the top, following the womans instructions he went to the last door to the right. Opening it he saw Midas throwing his right hooks at the mans jaw, blood already contaminated the soft wooden floor. The man, strapped to a weak wooden chair spit taunting Midas.

"Midas, calm down." Balian said raising a hand.


"This grunt is mighty disrespectful. I had to take it upon myself to teach him what his swine of a mother should of." Midas said, his face was red and his nostrils flared.


"I understand, now please let me speak to him." Balian said, approaching the bloodied man as he pulled up a chair to sit in front of him. Eye to eye they stared at each other. For moments they just stared.


"He wont talk," Balian shook his head and sighed. "Midas, prepare him for a mind probe." Then the man suddenly widened his eyes, he began to shake his head and flailed with frustration.


"No, no please don't do this I'll tell you anything please!" Balian shook his head to the screaming mans voice, Midas walked behind the him, grabbing his head placing his thumbs at his temples. He shook violently screaming for mercy.


"I'm sorry, but you were instructed to spew lies in this kind of predicament..I will not take the chances." Balian said with a low tone, almost whispering but loud enough so he could hear. He snapped off his gloves, laid them on a desk and approached the man who shook with ferocity. He begged and pleaded not to do this but Balian did not listen. The man squirmed as Balian placed his five fingers on the mans forehead. "You...wont...feel..a...thing." Balain said, though lying to him obviously.


A mind probe is a painful experience, when a psyker, a person that posses the skills to enter ones mind delves into ones so called memories. This..experience has the pain of a thousand migraines and only ends with the memories of the one who was probed to be scrambled, forced into a endless realm of dementia.


Balian closed his eyes, focusing all his strength on calming his own muscles. Imagining as if he were a weightless air bubble. Sinking into the wooden floors, and into the dirt ground below as if nothingness. His muscles relaxes, his mind became one. Imagining in his mind as two bubbles appeared, one was his and the other was the mans. And Balians nothingness bubble, became one with his..forming their minds into one. At that, the figiting man ceased to move, put into a state of dreaming almost. Balain searched his mind, going through thousands of pictures a second. Midas watched him twitch and turn uncomfortably.


It only takes moments to mind probe, but to Balian it's hours inside a mans head. Cycling through decades of memories, skipping and reversing time inside his head.

After five minutes Balian awoke, he was startled at first..dizzy almost. He held his head in his hands. "You alright." Midas said as he leaned down placing a hand on Balians shoulder.


Balian rose his head, looking to Midas with a stern and ferocious look. "Inform Lyrron..that a war is coming." Balian spoke with a tone that stung even Midas.

"House Whitestrake has moved against us, the treaty is broken!"


Midas looked out the window of the room they were in a look on his face of sadness. "We cannot win a war with the Crimson Crows, nor the Whitestrake house. We are to small in number."


Balian nodded, his mind was if changed for he was sure on one thing. "Then we head chop the head of the snake right off." He said with a grim tone.

Midas then looked to him, a moment of silence reached them and then Midas said.


"We will be violating the House code of war."


"No..we wont attack him directly but we will attack him close to hit..we will hit something he has had heavily guarded. Like his market. Perfect."


"We force him to think we have broken the rules, he will attack..then we pull back awaiting him to attack our house then. You are clever Balian."


"Thanks, but no time to flatter me round up your men. Get two magi to accompany us, we are going to need a big boom."


Midas nodded as he walked out of the room preparing the strike. Balain turned to the man, who was now awoken.


"You are a new customer here, welcome." Balain said bowing his head to the man. The man looked about the room, pulled his hands but to no avail. He deducted that he was in some sort of predicament. Which suprised Balian.


"Where am I! Where have you taken me! Please I don't understand what I did!." He said in a panicked notion. Balian only nodded and ruffled his brown hair.


"It's alright." Balian said, then he left the room. Within his mind he saw so many images, of Artarion. Instructing the man of what to do and how to do it. All that was known to Balian was now in his mind, and Balian was ready..ready for war.

Edited by boneless1
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