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Please, please please. Dark Brotherhood retexture.


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I just watched a very chilling horror movie that did its job pretty damned well. The Woman in Black or something like that.


Anyway. I can't stand the Dark Brotherhood stuff. All the skulls and dark noises. Could someone replace them?


How about My Little Pony textures, A My Little Pony head instead of a skull, and a big mural of Celestia or whatever instead of that big circle thing with all the darky stuff.

Instead of a mummy, the Night Mother could be a statue of that moon pony thing-person, with a fluffy looking coffin instead of a spooky one.


I remember, I always use to avoid looking at the dark brotherhood doors throughout all my many hours of Oblivion and even the first many hours of Skyrim I avoided looking.

Well. Now after this damned movie (Which makes all the Slenderman stuff feel like childsplay) I'm back to "Daww hell no".


Could someone please, please, please retexture the Dark Brotherhood?

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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