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It's raining men, and CTD's after that...


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Not sure if the two are related though...


Yesterday I fast-travelled to Falkreath using 'better fast travel mod' and as soon as I got there it started raining men, literally... Those three imperials that escort their prisoner through Skyrim came tumblin'down, dead as a doornail. Soon after that the game CTD'd. Restarted the game this morning, but now I'm getting CTD's all over the place. Every time it happens I am about to shoot an arrow into some unfortunate animal. As soon as I release the arrow the game crashes. But it's not with every shot I take, I think it's every third or fourth one.

I have not installed or updated any mods recently, just now tried removing a lot of older savegames (they all seem to be about the same size, btw..) and changed the mod-load order, but nothing seems to help...


Any thoughts?

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The animal shooting problem sounds like a buggy kill cam. If you have any mods working with the kill cam, they may have become instable with the 1.6 update.


Edit: NPCs raining from the sky is a common problem. I once saw a giant ride a dragon, it was a hilarious sight. Then he fell and died from the fall. Maybe you need to increase .ini value





to higher values, like 2000.0 or 3000.0 so cells with many lingering items with scripts on them get set up properly.


This kind of problem gets worse with more mods active, needless to say.

Edited by korkman
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Thanks for your thoughts, Korkman...


I'm not using that many mods, about 15... (I see people with 50 or more, so I'm modest, I think...)


I seem to have found a fix, still not sure what the cause is though. I've installed the TESVSGM savegamemanager. That did the trick, no more CTD's all day. I remembered I used that a couple of months ago, but after a PC-total-crash I re-installed Skyrim, but without TESVSGM. Well, untill this morning that is...


Fingers crossed...

Edited by strider1007
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