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CTD on loading all saves games and CTD on a new game load just before creating the character (just before SKYUI activates for racemenu). )


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Since yesterday i automatically CTD at each save game i load. The random picture appears during the loadings screen then it crashes but, just before crashing there is a lfickering of the main menu Dragon picture that comes back very fast and then it definetly crashes...

I allready uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice and it still crashes....
Something in the files is not right, maybe ESP. which are not correctly compiled. I don´t know, i can´t understand how the log must be read to find the source of the problems.
Thanks for the Help.
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This could be a memory issue, broken meshes, scripts, or any combination of those. I am afraid as this is surely not a Vortex specific issue, but rather an issue with your mod setup, there is nothing we can do to help here.


Your best bet are the game related subforums. I would ask for help there providing as much information as possible, starting with a load order / list of plugins.


If it persists with no mods even after uninstallation / reinstallation. Make sure that your data folder is in a vanilla state, no plugins are loaded, and that you are not using e.g. the script extender (while missing prerequisites).

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Thank you i will try to look at the vortex load order maybe i changed something inadtvertently. But i changed manualy meshes and textures because Vortex wouldn´t modify them. Still, i had all backups needed, i always make file backups. Let´s see if on Steam someone can help me. Thank you again!


EDIT: Ok, i started a new game and once racemenu openend and i selected a female character...the game would stay stuck on the male character, freeze then crash...hmmm something wrong with the female character then, this is why all game saves were auto-crashing...investigating.....>_>


EDIT: dayyyum it didn´t change anything looks like i will have to blow up everything and make a full resurrection of Skyrim SE.........DOH..

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