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New Restoration Spell


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Please create a ward spell which works as a damage protection like that:


A Magicans Armor I (runtime: 3min | magicka cost: 250)

This spell protects the caster from any damage while the spell is running,

this spell consumes a amount of (320) demage before cast out.


A Magicans Armor II (runtime: 4min | magicka cost: 300)

This spell protects the caster from any damage while the spell is running,

this spell consumes a amount of (850) demage before cast out.


A Magicans Armor III (runtime: 5min | magicka cost: 380)

This spell protects the caster from any damage while the spell is running,

this spell consumes a amount of (1250) demage before cast out.


A Magicans Armor V (runtime: 10min (max time) | magicka cost: 400)

This spell protects the caster from any damage while the spell is running,

this spell consumes a amount of (1250) demage before cast out.


A Magicans Armor IIV (runtime: 10min | magicka cost: 450 (max cost))

This spell protects the caster from any damage while the spell is running,

this spell consumes a amount of (3500) demage before cast out.



Make the price of those tomes fiting to the worth like that:


I Spellbook = 300 gold

II Spellbook = 800 gold

III Spellbook = 1250 gold

V Spellbook = 5000 gold

IV Spellbook = 12000 gold


If you have any idea about scripts it would also be cool if you delete the spell level I when adding spell level II


I have no idea about old greek numbers so you maybe want to check them if you 1:1 take this idea from this post, you don't have to credit me I don't care just hook me up with the mod <3 xD

Edited by IchBinKeinRoboter
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I have something like this mind you it's for SSE called Talos' Divine Ward. It's a little different than exactly what you are suggesting, but it's pretty similar.


The ward is a fire/forget ward that makes it so you don't have to hold down the spell, lasts 2 minutes. Where it gets different is that it adds an HP buffer to the caster allowing them to take more damage than what they'd normally be able to take, and it summons in a shield which is equipped on the caster's left hand that when you block with it adds a 2nd layer ward to you.


Otherwise there's no multiple spell ranks, but the effect's magnitude if I recall correctly scale based on your restoration skill.

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