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Battle for Whiterun Bug (Imperial)


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Long story short, I seem to be having spawning issues with the Battle for Whiterun on the Imperial side of the civil war questline. Haven't tested it for Stormcloaks. Basically, once the barricades at the gate are broken, I get these odd clumps of like 4-5 Stormcloak soldiers spawning behind the gates in the exact same spot and becoming stuck to each other and unable to move. They're a pain in the ass to get rid of, too, because they're all still able to attack and you can only hit one at a time unless you fireball them or something.


I'm running several mods, but I can't imagine which of them might be the culprit, if any of them. I had removed a shield on back mod prior to the battle in the particular playthrough I saw this in, but I can't imagine doing that would screw the game up that badly, especially since I hadn't experienced any other issues.

Edited by LegatusFlagrans
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First Rule of Skyrim: Never think it's not a mod, even something totally unrelated.


Case In point:

I had this floating landmass W of Whiterun. I looked at all the usual mods that might do this. Anything related to Whiterun and/or geologic changes. Makes sense, right?


When those all came up, " No ", I looked at any mods that added buildings / homes and such around Whiterun Hold. I did not limit it to just Whiterun.


Well all those came up, " No. ".


So I did the Tried and True - Disabled all my mods and re-enabled them 1 at a time. It was a small rest cabin up in Winterhold. Just a very simple cabin, and did not even have any real add on's. Just a simple sleep, warm up, eat cabin.


Found out that other's who used this mod were also having the same issue ... even the Mod Creator. It was 100% confirmed it was and he, sadly, pulled the mod, as he could not find a fix for the Floating Land Mass in Whiterun.


So, since then, I have learned - Do not discount any mods and have proven that to be the case, more than not, since 2012. :P

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  • 1 year later...

I have a similar (perhaps the same) problem with Stormcloaks being unable to be found. I can see about 5 red dots on the HUD but I can't find and eliminate them...they may be embedded in the terrain or structures...Imperial side continues to fire arrows but I can't advance the story because they can't be eliminated.


I disabled RaceMenu but that didn't work.

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