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World of Warcraft's "Death Knight" in Skyrim?


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Honestly, I do like World of Warcraft. Not as much as Skyrim in terms of raw gameplay, but one of the things I *LOVE* about Warcraft is the Death Knight. I mean, they wield vampiric Runeblades, they can summon skeletal Deathcharger steeds, and they have a healthy dose of Necromancy, and other powers, in addition to being immensely powerful warriors.


My personal request is whether any if you guys would be capable of implementing Death Knight abilities, armor, weapons, mounts, or just anything else you can think of, into Skyrim. Jojjo's got Frostmourne and his armor covered, but that alone doesn't make you really *feel* like a Death Knight. Having a selection of Death Knight abilities, however, could be a lot of fun. Maybe it could even become its own "Transformation", giving it a unique toolset? Just a thought :P

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