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Snow texture problem


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We all know, taht vanilla snow textures are horrible. So I have tried many snow texture mods. But with every snow mod, I get problem. From the beginninf, every snow re-texture works fine. But, then all those re-textures turn back to vanilla. Sometimes it starts with small patches of snow, and sometimes all snow turns back to vanilla. I don't have any other problems with any of other texture mods - they work perfect - problem is just snow. I don't know how to fix this? Is anyone else have same problem?

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First of all show some screenshots of your problem and your mod list. there might be some conflict there..
Second: do you have the vanilla snow shader enabled or not? it can be found in the options at the launch menu (or the .ini)
Third: do you have better dynamic snow installed? or no snow under the roof? or majestic mountains?

and last what specific texture mod are you using for the snow?

Edited by zeknapain
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Ok. I'll try to post some screenshots tommorow. For texture mods I have Noble Skyrim, Real Ice nand snow (that's what I know that changes snow textures. Other mods are something else, that doesn't change snow in any way. I had vanilla shaders enabled, so now I have disabled them and will see what will change.

I don't have any of mods that you have posted (dynamic snow, snow under the roof or majestic mountains.

About snow textures, currently I'm using Real Ice nad Snow mod, but I had same problems with other snow mods.

Before I will post any screenshots, I must say, that my like vanilla snow looks strange (it's white with black dots - like snow would have black grains in it). I don't know if this is even how vanilla snow looks like.

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Ok, I had a great opportunity to take screenshots at same place. First picture is as it should be (Windhelm infront of Palace of the kings), second is at same place 2 minutes later, when I came from the palace.


So SNOW as it should be: https://i.imgur.com/RWAmNt7.png


And snow with problems: https://i.imgur.com/OJ85N5n.png


The bad one is in my opinion strange, I don't even think vanilla snow is like that. I turned off snowshaders, and problem is still there. Some of people said that could be problem with VRAM. I have 4GB of VRAM, and if it would be problem with that, I think I would have problems with other textures too (like purple textures or something like that). And I mostly use 2K or even 4K textures, and all work fine. Just snow is problem. And at last, I don't use any ENB.

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Hmm that does look strange and not at all like vanilla snow.....
Purple textures mean that the texture is missing completely..
To check how much Vram you are using at any given time, you can use a free little program called GPU-Z by TechPowerUp..

I suggest to also use the Better dynamic snow mod and Better dynamic snow patches because they fix a lot of problems with snow covered areas (even if they don't solve this issue in particular)

Does your issue occur on ANY snow or just a specific type of surface like stone or wood?

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zeknapain. It only appears on snow (not surfces covered with snow - like roofs, wood...). I just checked on google, and found out, that some people had same problem. And they solved it with turning snowshaders off and set bEnableImprovedSnow=0. But in my case, tis doesn't help. I turned off snowshaders, and didn't help. I tried to set line bEnableImprovedSnow to 0, but it was already set ot 0. So later today I will try to tund snowshaders on and set mentioned line to 1. And will see what will happen.

Strange thing is, if I had VRAM problems, I think other textures would be affected too, not just snow.

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Umm the .ini line you are refering to is the same thing you turned off in the launcher...
If you enable it in the launcher this line becomes =1 when you disable it it becomes =0
The settings in the launcher are linked to the .ini file to make those changes...

Appart from that I really have no idea maybe try to re-download the latest version and overwrite anything it asks you...?
can't help you any further mate sorry

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