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Better Vampire Lord Invisible Body


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Whenever I transform into a Vampire Lord, I can see my PCs here popping out of the normal vampire lords body. My followers just get dark faced and get invisible bodies minus Serana which has the same issue as my PC. I use the Better Vampires and Better Looking Vampires for BVFE mods as well which I am sure is causing the issue. Is there a way to disable the meshes for vampire lord for those allowing the Better Vampire Lord mod to work?


Also, there is a second issue I am having which you might be able to help with. Serana won't follow me anymore. Everything is selected for her to be a follower, but she won't move at all towards the player. She moves to enemies, but she just stands in one area for me not even teleporting when I go into new areas requiring the move to player console command. I even modified the DC1MentalModel IsWaiting_var to false to see if that would work. It didn't. I even reset her with my AFT management, and still nothing.


Edit: Sorry, I forget to mention the mod is the Better Vampire Lord Transformation -BVLT - Full Pack mod

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