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Awesome ideas!


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1: (i have no name for this one) http://i.imgur.com/wEZ01.jpg Hair, armor and eyes! :) i would really like to have her as a character in skyrim!


2: (baby dragon) in the end of the main quest line, when you have killed alduin and go over to the greybeards, they will give you a power a "summon dragon baby" spell! :3 that can do the same as a normal dragon! http://i.imgur.com/hoF35.jpg


3: (Your face in skyrim) a mod that set your face in skyrim via pictures... im not sure if this is possible


4: (No crash) Some kind of mod that prevent crashes :tongue:


5: (zelda-skyrim music converter) <--- the title :3


6: (dragon translation) When you got subtitles and a dragon shouts it translate it to english, and in the quest line of college of winterhold in labiranthia (dont know how to spell it) You can see the translation in skyrim wiki


7: (DarkSiders2 mask) http://i.imgur.com/RYH6D.jpg gives you this awesome guys mask!


8: (tattos) add tattoos in the game like facepaint but on the body :)

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