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Change start directory


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Hey there,


i reinstalled Skyrim into a new directory and deleted the old one. Now i want to change the directory in nexus mod manager. It says i need to restart client for getting the effect. It doesnt work though. It always keeps the old directory. Even right after i changed it. I change directory, press ok (Windows closes) and when i open it again it's still the old directory.


What am I doing wrong? Tried to google a solution but it seems nobody else is having the problem


Edit: I tried to let nmm search skyrim for itself. It found it in the new directory and i confirmed it. Still it doesnt want to accept the new directory and wants to load the old one

Edited by jeckel93
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There is more to moving Skyrim to another directory than just moving the files from one folder or hard drive to another. :rolleyes:


Not everything is in the Skyrim folder and It leaves some registry entries behind that are not changed by just moving it. You will have to find and change those registry entries for it to work - and deleting or changing the wrong registry entry could brick your computer I recommend not messing with the registry unless you know what you are doing.


Definition of 'Brick' in relation to electronics: Turn an expensive piece of equipment into a worthless paperweight - not able to boot at all. :confused:


Also, if you are not using steam - it may not work at all. TesV.exe, NMM, and official patches expect to find Skyrim in the steam folders and get confused if it is somewhere else.


If you are using steam - this may be too late for you, but here is how to move it.


How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything.


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Hey there,


thanks for the fast reaction, I couldnt answer that fast because i had to study a lot.


After many reinstallations of Skyrim i decided to reinstall the mod manager. Dont ask me why i didnt get that idea earlier. It did work then though.


And no i am not using steam - so yeah nmm was probably confused. Not used to pirates :D


Thanks for trying to help though. Problem is solved and thread can be closed


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