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How screwed am I? Did I mess up bad?


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So, I am a bit new to modding. I was experiencing a bug in game and decided to check if my mods were causing it. I exited the game, deactivated ALL my mods, logged in, saw the bug was still there, exited the game, turned my mods on, logged back in, and that is when things went south. While moving around, the game would freeze for a couple of seconds before continuing. Sometimes I would get a CTD after the freeze. And when I tried to quick save, it would also freeze for a couple of seconds before saving. I decided to check the sizes of my save files. Before I did the whole deactivating and activating my mods thing, my save was around 25-30mb. After ward, the several saves I did (all within the period of about 10 minutes) jumped to 50, 60 70, and even one was 120mb. I know I messed up. And I don't know how to fix it. Apparently I should have done a "clean save", and perhaps not have deactivated ALL of my mods at once, but I did. Is there anything I can do now to fix this?
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