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Can't leave Doc Mitchell's house.

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Been trying to get this fixed all morning. No luck, so I'm turning to people smarter than me.


Load Order (according to FOMM)

YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
NVEC Complete + NVCE.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
More Perks.esm
More Perks for Dead Money.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
Afterschool Special.esm
More Traits.esm
Freeside Open - AWOP.esm
More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
More Perks for Companions.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
BIS - Brumbek's Inventory Sorting.esp
All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp
More Perks Update.esp
ADAM Complete.esp
BIS - Dead Money.esp
BIS - Honest Hearts.esp
BIS - Lonesome Road.esp
ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp
AWOP - Russell.esp
BIS - Old World Blues.esp
BIS - Gun Runners Arsenal.esp
Weapon Retexture Project.esp
More Traits Update.esp
More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
BIS - More Cactus Water Recipes.esp
More Perks for Companions Update.esp
More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
Total active plugins: 83
Total plugins: 89
Also running NVEC so there's a decent chance I missed something.

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Tried COCing to goodsprings. Same result.

Have not tried the skydiving place. Will update w/ result. EDIT: COCing to Skydiving also crashes the game.



06092735 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe
06092735 _ 07510000 07050000 nvac.dll
06092735 _ 0BEA0000 05010040 nvse_1_4.dll
06092735 _ 77A70000 0A004563 ntdll.dll
06092815 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06092820 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06092825 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06092830 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06092835 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06092840 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).~
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe
06093201 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe
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I think you were right. Disabled a legion overhaul mod, and now i'm getting a completely different crash message.


06154008 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe
06154008 _ 0BFC0000 07050000 nvac.dll
06154008 _ 0BE80000 05010040 nvse_1_4.dll
06154008 _ 77A70000 0A004563 ntdll.dll
06154100 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06154105 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06154110 ; script 'Expression Error: SYNTAX' (001633FD).
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY
06154115 e 00AA55A6 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe
06154115 r 006F2891 00AA55A6 FalloutNV.exe
06154115 ! _OUT_OF_ _MEMORY_ FalloutNV.exe
06154115 _ CRASHSAV E_THREAD FalloutNV.exe
06154115 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe
06154349 V 0BFC5C88 80000003 nvac.dll
06154349 _ CRASHSAV E_THREAD FalloutNV.exe
06154349 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe
06154349 ^ 006F2891 00000004 FalloutNV.exe
06154349 u 0BFC5C88 80000003 nvac.dll
06154349 _ CRASHSAV E_THREAD FalloutNV.exe
06154349 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe
Thanks man! Any advice for this?
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You could try typing: resetquest VEFR02LegionBad2CaesarsFoe or try: completequest VEFR02LegionBad2CaesarsFoe before attempting to walk outside (either with your last save or with the crash save.)


You also try using one of the reputation modifying console commands here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_console_commands

to remove the infamy and get your reputation to neutral with the Legion and see if stopping the hit squad wanting to come after you in any case will allow you to continue playing. Could also try a save before you enabled the mod in question or at least before you angered the Legion.


That is provided the above is somehow causing the crash. Not sure what that out of memory is being caused by exactly I don't remember CNR doing that.

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You don't indicate if you are using the 4GB Patcher to enable the use of the full 4GB of memory for the game. You have a number of things (ENB, Freeside Open, AWOP, Nevada Skies just for starters) that add heavily to the vanilla system overhead.


* If you are using the full 4GB of memory, most likely your CTD problem (now or in the future) is the default "heap size" is too small. It's so common you might as well deal with it now. Please see the 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu') entry in the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

Your "out of memory" errors are related to texures. As you didn't list your hardware, we are just assuming you have sufficient VRAM. But you may need to consider using ENBoost to give your graphics pipeline more to work with.


The "video pipeline" has always been prone to problems. The following are "mitigations" that have been found to help some people.

Please see the following entries under the 'Solutions to Performance problems' section in the wiki Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide if you haven't already.
* 'Issue: "Full screen mode" exhibits CTDs and stutters or micro-stutters'
* 'Issue: Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed'
* 'Issue: Win10 Screen tearing in "Borderless Windowed Mode"'
* 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu' for other settings that can indirectly affect micro-stutter.
* There are also some NVSR configuration suggestions under the 'Issue: Game in slow motion' and entries.
* The 'Issue: What's with these Solid Green billboard signs in the distance (LOD)?' entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section can also help if your problems started after you installed VWD/LOD texture packages.
* If you are using CASM or some similar "auto-save" mod to manage your save game files (recommended), try increasing the "time between saves" set in the "save frequency"; and reducing the number of occasions it saves to the minimum (e.g. disable most "Autosave Events" in CASM) and see how that impacts the game seeming to freeze temporarily.
* If you have "NVSE logging" enabled (see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide), disable it until actually needed.

The size of your image files also has an impact. Larger/higher resolution is not always "better". Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article.

The 'Issue: What INI edits seem to be most beneficial to performance' entry of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide) may also be some help. However, the above mitigations are more likely to have a fundamental beneficial effect with or without any INI adjustments, so consider them as the last resort.

As you can see, there are a number of things that can underlie your problem. If one of these doesn't fix it, I would be interested to hear about any eventual solution that does.

* You really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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You don't indicate if you are using the 4GB Patcher to enable the use of the full 4GB of memory for the game. You have a number of things (ENB, Freeside Open, AWOP, Nevada Skies just for starters) that add heavily to the vanilla system overhead.


* If you are using the full 4GB of memory, most likely your CTD problem (now or in the future) is the default "heap size" is too small. It's so common you might as well deal with it now. Please see the 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu') entry in the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Your "out of memory" errors are related to texures. As you didn't list your hardware, we are just assuming you have sufficient VRAM. But you may need to consider using ENBoost to give your graphics pipeline more to work with.


The "video pipeline" has always been prone to problems. The following are "mitigations" that have been found to help some people.


Please see the following entries under the 'Solutions to Performance problems' section in the wiki Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide if you haven't already.

* 'Issue: "Full screen mode" exhibits CTDs and stutters or micro-stutters'

* 'Issue: Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed'

* 'Issue: Win10 Screen tearing in "Borderless Windowed Mode"'

* 'Issue: CTD without warning, "Out of Memory error", or stops responding after the Main Menu' for other settings that can indirectly affect micro-stutter.

* There are also some NVSR configuration suggestions under the 'Issue: Game in slow motion' and entries.

* The 'Issue: What's with these Solid Green billboard signs in the distance (LOD)?' entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section can also help if your problems started after you installed VWD/LOD texture packages.

* If you are using CASM or some similar "auto-save" mod to manage your save game files (recommended), try increasing the "time between saves" set in the "save frequency"; and reducing the number of occasions it saves to the minimum (e.g. disable most "Autosave Events" in CASM) and see how that impacts the game seeming to freeze temporarily.

* If you have "NVSE logging" enabled (see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide), disable it until actually needed.


The size of your image files also has an impact. Larger/higher resolution is not always "better". Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article.


The 'Issue: What INI edits seem to be most beneficial to performance' entry of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide) may also be some help. However, the above mitigations are more likely to have a fundamental beneficial effect with or without any INI adjustments, so consider them as the last resort.


As you can see, there are a number of things that can underlie your problem. If one of these doesn't fix it, I would be interested to hear about any eventual solution that does.


* You really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.



I believe I am using the 4GB patcher.

Graphics card is a GTX 1080, 16 gigs of ram, the processor is a core i7-9900k.

ENB worked fine when I used it for New California, but that could be because the map's smaller. Wasn't running Nevada Skies then, so that might have something to do with it as well. Current theory is that it's too much to render.



Going to attempt the enbseries download and see how that changes things. Might also try disabling Nevada Skies.


Thanks again for the response - will update with what works ASAP.


EDIT: After downloading the ESM and following guides shared, game now works. Thank you again.

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