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decapitation not working any more


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hi there,


biiiiig problem.

i am playing a 1handed sword-mistress :P - it's the second walktrough.


but after having some mods installed - i cannot decap humans anymore. are there any workarounds or solutions ?


- the dance of death (they say: installing open face guard helmets should fix, i installed: doesnt work)

- Fores New Idles (obviously breaks the horse-fight too - but uninstalling this mod - skryim crashes immediatly)

- Adult Show ASX Spells ...

- Animated Prostitution (works ... creepy. but uninstalling.... crash.... god damn)

... etc (maaany many more installed, mostly armor-mods)


there are so many mods already.... but reinstalling costs a lot of time.


can anyone help ?


thx !!

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How does the decapitation refuse to work ?

Does it play the decapitation animation but the head stays intact ? Or is the animation missing completely, as in, this specific kill animation doesn't appear anymore?


If it is the latter it is probably a problem with the Behavior Data.



To check on that, open up the CK and go to:


Gameplay => Animation









Here you can see the conditions for a Decapitation Kill with a 1-Handed Sword in the Right Hand.

Maybe two of your mods are trying to change these and conflict, or one added a condition your character lacks.


By default it only needs:

- The perk

- A target that is not a Ghost

- A target that is not specifically flagged as "No Decapitate"

- Pass the random chance for the animation to happen, stored in the obvious Global Variable "DecapitationChance"

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hmmmm havent the CK installed.....


so i installed skyrim vanilla and installed the mods again.

now i have to check the perk / some fights.


i did this because i had some additional problems like freezed horse-fight-animation (standing on the horese) and several CTDs


now only walking, sitting animation plus the dance of death (killmoves) is installed.


hope decap works now...

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Be careful, the problem with the Animations is that modding them is extremely incompatible. So the Sit and Killcam mods may conflict despite changing two totally different actions.

The animations of all humanoid races in Skyrim are stored in a single behavior file.


...Pretty bad idea if you ask me.



What confuses me is why the decap would be disabled.

Even in a conflict, the Decap should stay the same in this case.

Edited by Foar
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okay guys this is really weird !


the decap works ! i have the animation, i have the perk. even the head is flying away....


BUT: the head also remains on the neck !


i read some time ago, that this is caused by the "dance of death" mod - only at human targets.

and the mod "open guard helmets" should work.


well it doesnt



in the creation kit (only skyrim-esm loaded) the decap shows the following:





i have no idea what to to.

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In that case the animations should be perfectly fine now, the remaining head problem should be located elsewhere.


How exactly does it look like ? Decap animation plays normally, the ehad flies, and a second head remains on the body ?


AFAIK when decapitated, the actors force-equip an own "head" item that represents the torn neck seam without any head.

Check it out, there should be an armoraddon called DecapitatedHeadAA and DecapitatedNeckAA. Maybe the problem lies somewhere there.


PS: When you said human targets, does that mean it works for orcs, elves, argonians and khajiit ?

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