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Vortex - CTD on certain MODs with nothing else installed?


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Hi Community, I had to start fresh due to a windows fail and decided to go all Vortex. I've reinstalled my MOD list from scratch, same mods i usually have, however certain MODs seem to CTD where they were fine before. I have installed fresh with no MODs to see if any of the below work, they just seem to fail.


Its 2 world space mods, Bruma and Fallskar and one textures mod being Majestic Mountains. Any one of these causes straight to CTD, There are all good mods so I'm assuming is Vortex deployment which is at fault here?


If anyone has come across this opinions welcome. I was using NMM before and these were fine.


I could install manually and see the results Im just not sure how Vortex would deal with this as it says its handling all my MOD folders. (Also going to be putting in music using Personalised Music and not sure how it will handle these unexpected files)


Cheers in advance - KU

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