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Diverse City Guards

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I'm having some pretty irritating problems with the Diverse City Guard mod SPARTAN VI made way back. It adds unique armor to each city's guards, and also adds Bonemold armor to the game.


I've been trying to load it, and each time I do it doesn't work. There are 3 different versions of the mod: 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. I've tried packaging them together in one and using them separately, every - single - time I get a flood of yellow exclamation points all over Anvil's castle, a few in the fighters guild, and 1 at the front Anvil gate. I've tried navigating though the Oblivion construction set, but I don't have a lot of experience with it, so I have no clue what I'm doing or looking for.


What I was wondering was:

- If anyone knew a fix somebody made for this?

- If anyone knew how to take EVERYTHING out of the mod, then replace only the guard armor and Bonemold armor?

- Or if anyone had a decent alternative to this mod.







For future reference, or anyone who was in my position:

The problem on my end was a Fighter's Guild Porter in Anvil had a Templar sword on him (might be from one of the creator's mods or something) and it was invisible, so the porter had a massive yellow exclamation point sticking out of him. It was the same with a table in the Anvil Fighter's guild. There was also 2 in the city area: Both by torch-stands near the gates to the castle and the gate out of the city. In the castle itself I literally couldn't see in some places because the yellow exclamations were piled on top of each other so thick.


OK, this is what I did: I downloaded everything all over (probably unnecessary), I saved each of those downloads to a different folder (probably unnecessary as well). Then I extracted everything to that folder, and looked through the Read Me: It specifically says to check only the, "SPARTANVIsDiverseCityGuards.esp," file in the main menu or OBMM.


Well, in my Oblivion menu launcher under Data Files (I chose not to use OBMM this time) I have:

-SPARTAN VI - Diverse City Guards v1.esp

-SPARTAN VI'S Diverse City Guards for OOO.esp

-SPARTAN VI'S Diverse City Guards v1 2.esp


If you're having the same problem (same yellow exclamations in the same areas) tickONLY, only the SPARTAN VI'S Diverse City Guards v1 2.esp, nothing else.


Now that I found the solution, I'm gonna post it in the mod's comment page in case anyone else has the problem and only goes there. :thumbsup:

Edited by MysteriousMayonaise
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