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Getting Armor Values with Scripting


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I'm trying to remake the Fists of Steel perk. The perk is an ability, so I'm trying to partially remake the skill in Papyrus. The trouble I'm having is I cannot find a way to get the armour rating on the gauntlets. Any suggestions?



If anyone is interested I'm trying to make brawling more endgame viable without changing too much, a patch essentially. What I planned to do was use the players current Heavy Armor rating as a modifier (30 Heavy Armor = 30%), and then take that from your current armour rating on your gauntlets, adding that to your unarmoured damage. I think it will make unarmed viable without too strong. I might have to modify the percentage.

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So after about a day of work, this is what I got. Not sure where I went wrong, but the script isn't working. I think I messed up the end event.


Scriptname FistsOfSteel extends Perk  
{Fist of Steel Perk Reamke}

Event Oninit()
; Heavy Armour for damage boost percentage
int HeAr = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("HeavyArmor") as int

; Obtain the armor rating of the player currently equipped gauntlets
Armor Gauntlets = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor
int AR = Gauntlets.GetArmorRating() as int

Float UD = game.getplayer().getav("UnarmedDamage")

; Equation to amplify damage
Float boost
Float Function Boost (int AR, int HeAr, Float UD)
return AR * (HeAr/100) + UD

; Replaces Unarmed Damage with new value
Event OnObjectEquipped(armor gauntlets)
if gauntlets as armor
	Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("UnarmedDamage", boost)

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