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Looking For An Armor Set


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So I had this idea for an armor, and I was wondering if someone had already made it. And if there isn't one like it, if somebody could.


It's kind of a cross between steel armor and leather armor, with a steel curiass and leather bottoms. There's also steel boots and leather gauntlets also, but that's not as important. The hood would be a great addition too. I have a similar build in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, so I took some screencaps to give an idea of what I'm looking for. The exact details of the armor aren't that important, just the idea of a half metal half leather set.


If anybody could find or build a similar set for me, I'd really appreciate it! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:









If anybody could find or build a similar set for me, I'd really appreciate it! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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how about these? there's many of them - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733


You know, I've looked through that mod set, and I think I have it if I'm not mistaken, but nothing in there reeeeaaallly fits the description I'm looking for. Thanks though.


Now that I think about it, my idea is kinda comparable to some of the late-game armor sets in Assassin's Creed II through Revelations. You know how Ezio has plating on his chest, but his robes still flows out underneath it? It's just like that.

Edited by dottio123
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