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Your Greatest Accomplishment


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Beating the entire Thieves' Guild quest line without being discovered. Not even once. And no, I didn't kill a single person. Not earth-shattering, but I felt like a master thief once I was done.
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Well I used to kill every character with a single blow. but then when Deadly reflex came out I changed the Difficulty to Hard.


1) Cutted in half 25 bandits in a row.

2) Beated the entire fighters guild quests without using a single repair hammer

3) became master of all my major skills at level 12

4) Never Lost a Companion

5) Killed all of cheydihal's city guards without having them noticing

6) never used a healing spell or potion in the entire game

7) Won the battle for bruma without a single loss

8) Went through miscarcand without killing a single zombie

9) Defeated umbra with a single shot to the head

10) Killed a group of 4 marauders with a single blow

11) (This one might be a funny bug) Made a sprigan kill her own summoned bears

12) (Another bug) made 7 bandits fight each other then threw one of them from the cliff, and watched his attackers (Fellow bandits!) Jumping down from the cliff to kill him as he was not dead.

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Killing Mehrunes Dagon myself. :P I have to admit tho that I was forced to reload the savegame coz the main quest got f'ed up. Apart from that, my greatest achievement so far has been completing the game on hardest setting without using a single magicka or health potion as a caster type character, without cheats or one-shot-one-kill spells.
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My greatest achievement was doing every quest with 1 character. And i mean EVERY quest, even the non-journal ones. Took about 150hrs of gameplay. Needless to say this was before I knew about mods and I stopped playing Oblivion for a few months after.
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Getting bored with the game at the end "being the good guy" thing, and killing everyone else and then killing Dagon. I was buffed and bored. Then getting drunk and falling asleep on the laptop.


Woot. Go me.

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my best was finishing the Shadows in a Struggle for Power quest-line from OOO.


but I have yet to finish any of the original game quest-lines. (none of the guilds or the main quest). I would like to finish them but I'm just getting too bored with this game. I don't think the game is bad, I love Oblivion, but I just can't make myself keep interest. I think I've spoiled myself with too many mods that I never got to see all the content before the general gameplay of oblivion started getting boring.


I feel bad for not getting to see the "ending" of anything, but as much as I try I can't seem to finish =\

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