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How to reset a companions apperence?


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So, when I made a new save I installed some presets to use for some followers, one of them being Cait. I used the looksmenu preset from "Dread Cait Overhaul" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29844?tab=files). I absolutely love this preset but I wanted to give another mod author a chance since I've used Dread Cait since it was released. I'm trying to get the Cait from "Engles' Sexy AF Companions ESAFC" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31616?tab=description") to replace my current Cait but it won't change her. I'm guessing that because its a preset that I put on to her ingame it won't over write it, any ideas on how to reset Cait to her original look? I've tried "recycleactor" and "resurrect" but neither of those worked, she just came back looking the same.


*note that there are no looksmenu preset downloads for ESAFC so I can't get around it that way unless I'm dumb and I can actually do something with the ESP that Im not aware of which would not be unheard of*

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