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Trying to figure out warning.txt


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Hi all,


I have been modding the hell out of my game the last few days, and am able to run it no problem, but it means clicking through a bunch of error pop ups during the loading screens due to conflicts. I am trying to figure out which mods to disable from the launcher to get rid of these, so if anyone could help that would be great. The complete warning.txt is as follows:



One of the files that "RealSignposts.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.

One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

Class Test Subject contains invalid data. Make sure all attributes and skills are unique.

Unable to find script 'mc_sandscript_clean' on object 'mc_sandbar'.

Unable to find script 'mc_clayscript_clean' on object 'mc_claybank'.

Unable to locate target reference '!ssanas the Ghost' in ActivatePack init.

Item "RGGauntlerR" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGGauntletL" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGBoots" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGGreaves" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGPauldronR" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGPauldronL" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGCuirass" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGHelm" not found on "ELSeller1".

Item "RGArrow" not found on "ELSeller2".

Item "RGLongBow" not found on "ELSeller2".

Item "RGBlade" not found on "ELSeller2".

Item "RGBlade1" not found on "ELSeller2".

Item "RGBlade2" not found on "ELSeller2".

Item "RGBlade3" not found on "ELSeller2".

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2.

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it means clicking through a bunch of error pop ups





for the rest, you would probably find more info at the official forums


[edit]necro, but can still be useful for someone I hope

Edited by abot
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