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Seperate Nexus Upload of the Morrowind Antique Orcish Amor?


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Hi guys.


Currently I am looking at this mod by Quickwolf:



and seriously attempting to get this mod to work in my game. Unfortunately due to a combination of reasons I can't seem to get it to work properly in game.

1. Whenever I open up Skyrim through SKSE so I can use SkyUI this mod completely borks and the armor disappears completely.

2. Quickwolf updates this mod so frequently it screws with BOSS and how my game balances mods and because its a Steam exclusive I can't control when the damn game decides to fiddle with my game data (I HATE AUTO-MOD-UPDATES ARGHHH)

3. All I really want is to wear his uber awesome cool looking Morrowind Antique Orcish armor. One of the best Samurai armor mods (along with Hothtrooper's Akaviri Samurai armor).



Does anyone have any idea what I can do about this? Or is it possible for someone with more experience than me to ask permission from Quickwolf and upload a separate HD version of his Morrowind Samurai Armor on the nexus?

If that is not possible can someone just please private message me a way for me to put this in my game without forcing me to ditch SkyUi :(

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Of course but that isn't the only issue. I can't seem to get the mod to work with SkyUI and I really only like the antique orcish armor (the samurai armor) from the set. I really don't know which part of the mod is what and how I could extract it so I can separate it so I can still retain the ability to craft it without screwing up and ctding.
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