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simple mod request/help


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could someone make a simple body-mesh "armor" mod with say 3 or 4 different body "armors"? basically using a body replacer (such as the CBBE body) and make it equipable to the main armor slot instead of just replacing the base body mesh.


got a lot of different modular armor sets and not all fit the same body mesh. and as I don't have ANY modding experience (apart from renaming/replacing files) I cant make the armor fit the body. but I can make the body fit the armor by using the extended slider from CBBE.


MAK07 had one of those "fleshings" in his armor mod that use the armor slot and I managed to change that to fit one of the armor combinations, but to make it fit another set I may have to change it again. so having a few custom bodies would make changing sets easier. would also help outfitting followers with custom armor.



it's just the "Femalebody_0/1" that is needed I think.




thank you for your time.

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