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Very Specific Mod Crash - Easy Fix?


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I've edited the interior of Markarth's Vlindrel Hall, but now when the mod is loaded, exiting the Vlindrel Hall cell to the Markarth cell causes a crash to desktop. Using COC to the Markarth cell puts you into the void, or sometimes also crashes. Reconnecting the teleport doors does not fix it. I can COC anywhere else, and I can create a door to anywhere else. Previous saves have same crash. Unloading the mod resolves it. I thought maybe I bumped a room marker, so I re-did them all and it did not fix it either. I've navmeshed the new areas incase that had something to do with it, but this also didn't fix it.


The mod adds some object references, moves some others, and has two simple scripts that shouldn't have any side effect like this.


What do you think? What could I have done to cause this?

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