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Did you know that Cuba is the only country in the world where Coca Cola is not for sale? It is.


There is absolutely no reason for USA to meddle in the affairs of wiz.. er, other countries. They would not have needed tow worry about the missiles if they hadn't meddled already.


"(Middle East oil is) a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history."

- U.S. State Department, 1945





China 1945-46

Korea 1950-53

China 1950-53

Guatemala 1954

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-60

Guatemala 1960

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala 1964

Dominican Republic 1965-66

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Guatemala 1967-69

Lebanon 1982-84

Grenada 1983-84

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1981-92

Nicaragua 1981-90

Libya 1986

Iran 1987-88

Libya 1989

Panama 1989-90

Iraq 1991-2002

Kuwait 1991

Somalia 1992-94

Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)

Bosnia 1995

Iran 1998 (airliner)

Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998

Yugoslavia 1999

Afghanistan 2001-02



Not including military recklessness like Italy 1998 "200 killed by US warplane in cable car"

or China 2001 "Chinese military pilot killed by spy plane collision"

and not including 'proxy' bombings of Iraq by Israel in 1981 using sixteen US made F15 bombers and brand new F16 fighter bombers

- http://www.davidbeaumont.btinternet.co.uk/...listbombed.html


American bombings, by date. Some countries bombed twice, thus counted twice.



Looking at the list of 26 countries then, 13 are a republic or some

variety of democracy.  I do not know how well those democracies are

functioning.  It would depend upon subjective criteria.  Here is the

list of 26 countries, duplicate entries removed:


China (Communist)

Korea (North Korea, authoritarian socialist dictatorship; South Korea,


Cuba (Communist)

Belgian Congo (dictatorship, transitional)

Laos (Communist)

Vietnam (Communist)

Libya (military dictatorship, or local council government


Iran (theocratic republic, theocracy)

Kuwait (constitutional monarchy)

Somalia (transitional)

Sudan (authoritarian military junta)

Afghanistan (transitional)

Yugoslavia (has broken into multiple states)

Guatemala (constitutional democratic republic)

Indonesia (republic)

Dominican Republic (representative democracy)

Peru (republic)

Cambodia (multiparty democracy under constitutional monarchy)

Lebanon (republic)

Grenada (constitutional monarchy, Westminster-style parliament)

El Salvador (republic)

Nicaragua (republic)

Panama (constitutional democracy)

Iraq (republic)

Croatia (presidential/parliamentary democracy)

Bosnia (emerging federal democratic republic)

- http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=175628



Thats my two cents (... and thats the last time I use that damn expression)

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