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Season Unending's Effects on the Civil War


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What happens to the Civil War questline if you successfully reach an amicable solution at the peace treaty? The battles are great (Battle for Whiterun etc) and I want to play them, but I've never done the peace treaty questline before. I understand that the civil war will be postponed at least.

My question is that if I finish the main questline, will the civil war just start again? Will I be able to fight in the battle for Whiterun?



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Sweet, cheers Moksha. So I assume the battle for Whiterun etc will be postponed until I finish the main questline? Or will I still be able to continue the Civil War before I defeat Alduin despite the treaty?

Edited by RitzYO
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"Season Unending" is already pretty far into the main quest. In fact, it's a kind of prelude to the last act. So completing the main quest wouldn't take you too long.


I'd be careful about the next step of the main quest line though:


It requires you to capture a dragon in Dragonsreach. In fact, getting the Jarl of Whiterun to give his permission to that attempt was the reason behind the negotiations in "Season Unending". I'm not sure how the game will react, if you e.g. replace Balgruuf with someone else after the Battle of Whiterun... Problem is: Once you "convinced" the captured dragon to take you to Alduin, there will be no turning back: You'll have to complete the final steps of the main quest and fight Alduin.



In short: Stopping the main quest if you already got that far seems problematic to me. If you simply continue with the Civil War, you might get in trouble with the main quest later. I'd recommend to deal with Alduin, then continue to "solve" Skyrim's internal problems...

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Might as well finish the main quest then take up where you left off with the civil war. The game will allow you to do that without any problem. On the other hand, I suspect Vignar Greymane would be able to give you the same answers as Balgruf.

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