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Purchasable Homes


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almost all player house mods do not require you to purchase them. Am i the only one who is bothered by this? I just don't want to be handed a giant castle or estate, i want to earn it. either buy it with gold, or maybe defeat a group of bandits or some other enemy in order to claim it like Oblivion's fighters stronghold DLC (although that was also to easy). so what i propose is a mod that can add a purchase price of some kind to any house mod. i really know nothing about making mods, but i have a idea on how this could be accomplished. Add a NPC in the world that has a list and maybe a description of every house mod that the player has installed, (i assume the creators of said house mods would have to agree with this) as well as a option to purchase the home, or to start a quest to win the home (again by defeating some enemy). The the pricing of the homes should take into account their size and furnishings so the largest homes would cost upwards of 200,000 gold, which is not really hard to get at higher levels. This mod would give player yet another thing to work for, and i think it would be a great addition to the game
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