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Weird indoor area loading.


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I just started a new save and some of the interior spaces are loading wierd. When I entered the bards college, the two areas to the aide where there were openings were grey and when I went through one, the area behind it loaded but the place I had come from was blocked by the grey. I also fell through the floor after I stood in the grey area. I went into two other areas and the same thing happened.. Can anyone help me fix this?
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I have this too.. and now it's gotten to a point where I can't continue playing.


I figured it out. I had some whiterun altering mods, like the outdoor market one, and after I deleted them the problem was solved. I t might be some mods that are behind it.

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I have this too.. and now it's gotten to a point where I can't continue playing.


I figured it out. I had some whiterun altering mods, like the outdoor market one, and after I deleted them the problem was solved. I t might be some mods that are behind it.


Thanks! I think I can fix the issue now.

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