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Custom dialogue not working


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Hey guys, so Ive been making a quest and very closely following the CK tutorial (the only differences being the names of the characters and the wording of the dialogue) and my NPC in game will not say the dialogue. He just says the generic "huh" or "hello" etc. The dialogue tree never appears. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
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It seems the quest isn't started at all, check these things:


- if you have put some conditions on an alias (like a getstage), remove them or set the alias to optional.


- check if the quest is "start game enabled"


- stage 0 should be the startup stage, or no startup stage at all. If you set stage 10 to startup and your dialogues are condtioned to stage 0, they won't come up.


- doublecheck the dialogue conditions


EDIT: Also, i've seen sometimes that having an old skyrim version prevents dialogues from appearing. So check your skyrim version too

Edited by gasti89
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- if you have put some conditions on an alias (like a getstage), remove them or set the alias to optional.


A quest broken by a bad alias is extremely likely to happen. It is one of the leading causes of broken quests. If you mess up one single alias, such as one involved with a quest marker flag, you will break all the dialog in your entire quest.

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