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Since when was Alchemy = Blocking


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Hi all.

No matter what I do to make an NPC a trainer in Alchemy it always comes up as Blocking. I have everything right. JobTrainerfaction, JobTrainerAlchemyFaction, Class =TrainerAlchemyMaster and still comes up as Blocking in dialouge. I even put Arcadia from Whiterun into my cell without any changes and when I speak to her I get the message "Train me in block" but the skill increase IS in Alchemy.

Also I made the NPC a vendor, exactly the same as I did for the Innkeeper who works fine but in the alchemy shop the NPC doesn't sell. Made the chest, made the faction, set the schedule, set the items she can sell but she won't buy/sell. I've tried and tried, why was it so easy for the Innkeeper and the same method doesn't work for the Alchemy seller?

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