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Main Load Screen Only Shows Skyrim Logo


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Hey Everyone,


Shortly after Skyrim's 1.6 patch I began having issues with the main menu screen. When I load Skyrim the Bethesda logo comes up just fine, and then when the main Skyrim logo appears there are no menu options available. Only the logo is showing and it looks like it has moved a little to the right. I have uninstalled most of my Skyrim Nexus mods; the remaining ones are either unique armor sets, UI changes like SkyUI and SKSE, and HD texture packs. I have already tried verifying the cache in Steam multiple times with no results. I've tried to use Wyrebash to help locate the problem but for the most part that has been ineffective; I am a Bash novice, so I don't really know how to use the program well. Wyrebash did say I have a few UDRs (such as my update.esm) but I do not know how to clean them up for Skyrim. What is going on and how can I fix it?

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