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Need help with scripting


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Good day all.


I wanna make a full set of the new weapon, called "Weapons of Daedra"

The sword (Blade) is ready.

But i have a problems with bow...

You see - i want to make bow working like a bound bow. With auto equipping arrows.


The problem is that i dont understand new scripting system, that using in Skyrim.

It was no problem with Oblivion scripts, but Papirus makes me a dumb.


Can sombody help me with this scheme.


Equip bow - added and equipped arrows

Unequip bow - arrows unequipped and removed from inventory.


Please. I really need help.

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Let me guess something.


Script on the bow:


Ammo property myArrow auto

int property AmmoNumber auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     akActor.Additem(myArrow, AmmoNumber, true)
     akActor.EquipItem(myArrow, true, true)

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
     akActor.UnequipItem(myArrow, true, true)
     akActor.RemoveItem(my Arrow, AmmoNumber, true)


Fill the properties with the arrows you want and the number of added arrows.


The Additem and RemoveItem "true" is for not displaying the "added" message.


The ones on Equip and Unequip are for not diplaying the message and for preventing the player from unequipping the arrows.


Hope it works!

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