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The Mystery of the Giant Heads - can you solve it?


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I am having a perplexing problem with these mods listed below , not all by the same creator but all involving small avatar followers located in various skyrim halls and every single one comes out looking utterly weird with the SAME ugly giant sized head pasted on each one...the result is somewhat ghastly ! See Photo


I've tried sharing inventory items with them once recruited as followers but nothing changes this totally bizarre appearance.. although using clothes from my bodyslide avatar batch built for my character affected the avatar body but still didn't chase away the comedy heads...see PHOTO




I've heard of 'old head on young shoulders' but this is ridiculous - like some evil old witch has transferred a fugly crone's oversized head onto each avatar a bit like Lydia's ghostly grandmother has possessed each one...


I note that in one case the modder's notes said they'd used UNP body but the heads were done with ECE. I looked this up but cannot download it as it needs one of the DLCs which I do not have.. even then not sure it would fix this glitch..


At first I thought the modder was having a laugh and it was a joke mod but then it happened on more than one creator's mods. Something clearly globally is affecting or warping the mesh for the head textures but ONLY on these reduced size avatars not on anyone else's mods, for example al the 'Fabulous Follower's series work fine each with their own mesh so why these ones? Have deactivated and re-installed on different saves but same issue every time on them all.


I do have some npc visual improvement mods including Lydia replacer - maybe one causes some conflict?


Anyone got any ideas what kind of error causes this type of glitch and if so how it can be fixed. Has anyone see this before? Cannot contact the modders at this time although have tried and I do even speak Japanese. I've since deleted them all and resaved and its not crucial if I get any of them or not but the Mystery of the GIant Heads has me curious as I hate things I can't learn to fix


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