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Removing iron sights in New Vegas - restore FO3 aiming.


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Does anyone know how could I simply get rid of iron sights in New Vegas? I have been sick and tired of the botched aiming system. It's simply not accurate enough most of the time and I just want to have no animation in the first person.


Of course setting "Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations" in G.E.C.K. does not fully work.


Disable "true" iron sights also fails. The weapon gets centered and the crosshair moves up after taking a shot, the bullet misses the head as it does. I'm talking about the full removal of 1st person animations.


When that option is picked the weapon stills gets centered when shooting. And I simply need a nice zoom/crosshair when aiming. I mean sure I do hate Fallout "where's my daddy" parody 3 with a passion and having iron sights is more realistic, but at the New Vegas sights cost me too many perfect head shots. So they have to go.

Edited by Nolanoth
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Using that option in game still causes the very same botched targeting but with a crosshair instead. I want to completely remove the 1st person animation. I don't want the weapon to center when aiming and have a good working crosshair.
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