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For some reason my falloutNV.exe keeps changing file names to FalloutNV_backup.exe so i cant use fose and for some reason i can never get new California to play even though i installed it correctly


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Your statement of the problem raises several questions, mostly due to the lack of detail.


1. If the "FalloutNV.EXE" file is getting renamed, then you are running something which is doing that. (It doesn't rename itself on it's own.) The most likely suspect (to my mind) would be the "FNV 4GB Patcher", which would be creating a replacement "FalloutNV.exe" which you should be using instead. But since you don't mention anything about what else you have done other than installing FNC, that is just a guess. (I don't know if FNC does so but that is another possibility.)


* Did you install Steam to it's default location? If so, please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for why the original default Steam behavior of installing games to the "C:\Program Files" folder tree was bad (they learned better, and don't do that any more); and why "disabling UAC and running as Administrator" is NOT sufficient, with instructions how to move it. This is the single most important thing you can do to fix and protect yourself against problems in the future. As much of a PITA as that is, it's never going to be any easier than now. System updates often cause issues with games installed to these folder trees. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article as well.

2. FOSE is the script extender for FO3. We use NVSE for FNV, which incorporates everything from FOSE, and you need to install first for the FNV4GB Patched executable to be able to launch NVSE automatically. Please see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article on how to install and verify it is working correctly.

3. First you have to get at least the minimal FNV to a stable state before you can expect to run FNC. That takes more than installing the vanilla game. While I'm sure you feel you have installed both correctly, something is manifestly not correct if you can't run FNC. I recommend you read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to mod FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so. Then, once you have confirmed there are no problems with FNV, first check the FNC FAQ and lists of compatible and incompatible mods before carefully following the FNC install instructions.


If things are still not correct, then you will need to describe exactly what you did: step-by-step, so we can tell you where you misinterpreted something.


The key to success is to take things step-by-step and verify things as you go so you know exactly what has gone wrong, and when. Then you can ask more pointed questions and get more specific assistance.



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If things are changing without your intent, then it isn't "stable". WHERE did you install the game? Files reverting automatically to "read only" is a "permissions" issue (symptomatic of a "system files" protected location).


If you did move Steam out of the default location, then likely any access privilege problem is one of "File and Folder permissions" on the parent "root" folder under which you installed the games. If this is not set correctly to allow at least "System", "Administrators", and "Users" to have "Full Control" then you can't overwrite other files or make changes. You then need to enable the "Properties | Security | Advanced | Change Permissions" setting of the parent folder to enable the box: "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", so those changes get applied to the existing files and sub-folders.


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