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Help With Improving Mods - Lighting


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I am working on modding Skyrim SE and it looks really great, but there is one thing that still seems to act weirdly.


When I am in caves and have my torch out, I intended the caves to be very dark so the torch is needed. But the torch light interacts with the grass and outside of rock walls in weird ways, causing them to be highlighted.


I will post a video of what I mean here:


I am using Photorealistic Tamriel ENB, and will post a list of my other mods and specs below. I assume its one of the settings in the ENB but I feel like I've gone through every one. Please let me know if you can help!









GTX 1080TI 11GB (not overclocked)

i7 8700k (not overclocked)

16GB running at 3200

Windows 10



Mod List and Load Order:

(see attached jpegs)


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