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Need Help With Hats In G.E.C.K!


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Hello! I'm new to modding and recently made my first mod on the nexus. It's called the legers gun mod. I have no problems with the custom rifle, and armor however, the beret goes into the shoulder when it's equipped. So i have stayed up all night trying to resolve this issue and I have to resort to asking someone on the forums. If you could brief me on how to fix this, I can make more mods like this. However, I really need help and even though only 6 people have downloaded my mod I can't let them down and just give them a broken item. Edited by dagde2
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Headgear items cannot be created correctly in the GECK, as it doesn't add a necessary flag to them. You'll have to use FNVEdit to fix the item records as described in this post by Vagrant0.




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