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Stardew Valley

Mod Request Better/New Range Weapons


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Its been awhile since I started playing stardew valley and most of the time I was so caught up in earning alot of money. But then I discovered the fun in minning and combat. So I cleared the mines and started playing skull caverns and some Cool mods like deep woods. One thing I notice though is the community's utter hate for the slingshot. Not that I totally hate it. I still love breaking rocks with it uaing explosive ammo.


But if anyone out there that can make better range weapons (guns,rifles, crossbows,bow) or improve how the slingshot mechanic works. I've heard the mod better slingshot but then again I guess it will take sometime for the author to update it. So I guess heres me hoping for a mod that makes combat standout. Im no mooder so I guess here's me trying to help the only way I know how

Edited by pAlErAvEn
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