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Scrip Help / Request (Simple)


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Hello guy's, since i barely understand the new scripting language of skyrim, i turn to the community for helping me with this...

What i would like to achive here is:

the player activate a chair sit on it, and that chair will raise the PC's Staminia by 1 point once a day only, and block the pc movement for 10 in game second while the pc is siting on that chair !


Can anyone work this out for me, This is to go with the next update of my popular Dark Tower mod... Credit will be given for your help !

Thanks a lot !




I'm also looking for guide line on how to make an npc play a specific animation at a specific location... (a dance animation)

I know the basic of creating dialogue, since the animation will be trigger via dialogue...

Edited by reaper9111
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I'm not a good scripter, so it might not work. Let me try:


Function Register()

Auto State Ready
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
     if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
          Game.DisablePlayerControls(True, True, True, False, True, False, True)
          Game.GetPlayer().ModAV("Stamina", 1)
          Debug.Notification("You fell stronger")

State NotReady
Event OnUpdateGameTime()


Hope it works


EDIT: Edited a bit the script with notifications!

Edited by gasti89
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gasti89, You do realise that modav will turn the stat value green like a temporary boost effect, but there is nothing to cause it to "wear off".


An alternative to modav is


int playersHealth = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Stamina") as int
Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("Stamina", playersHealth +1)


It's longer but won't change the colour to the affected attribute/skill etc.

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Oh thanks flob i didn't know that. I often don't have the opportunity to test the scripts and the wiki didn't mention that (at least i can't find any mention ;))


So, rewriting the script using flob's suggestion:


Function Register()

Auto State Ready
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
int playersHealth = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Stamina") as int    
     if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
          Game.DisablePlayerControls(True, True, True, False, True, False, True)
          Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("Stamina", playersHealth +1)
          Debug.Notification("You fell stronger")

State NotReady
Event OnUpdateGameTime()

Edited by gasti89
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Hey guy's i get this error when compiling:


Ok, after atypo error on my side it work !


I only need help to know what are the property and what type are they and connected to what ?

Can anyone help ?



Edited by reaper9111
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Oh thanks flob i didn't know that. I often don't have the opportunity to test the scripts and the wiki didn't mention that (at least i can't find any mention ;))




I haven't seen anything on the wiki about it either, I'm just going by what you see in-game. e.g. activate a shrine and stats/skills that are temporarily boosted are green rather than white. Similarly, catch a disease that reduces them and they turn red.


You can simulate this by typing "player.modav health 10" or "player.modav health -10", press "?" to look at your character/skills and your health is green or red respectively.

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