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2 Bashed patch questions


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****Questions have been answered. I'm now compiling a list of bashed patch mergeable mods in FileRequests/suggestions. Please look over the list and inform me of any others you know of.


Hi. I know that anyone hooking up a lot of overhaul mods knows what I mean by the term "bashed patch". There are a lot of mods that are mergeable into the bashed patch, and this patch helps with load order and organization. But I have 2 questions about the patch that I can't seem to find an answer for online. Everytime I go to research these answers I get site after site just giving tutorials on the patch but not answering the questions.


1- Does the mods merged into the patch count toward your 'total' mods? No, they don't count toward the final total


2- Is there a list of all mergeable mods out there?no, there isn't. But I'm now trying to compile one.


Thank you for any response.

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i think i can answer your second question


its really a 50/50 about that merging small mods should not cause you any problems but big ones will as for a list i guess there isn't one there really should be


if that doesn't answer it i tried


Col John Sheppard

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i think i can answer your second question


its really a 50/50 about that merging small mods should not cause you any problems but big ones will as for a list i guess there isn't one there really should be


if that doesn't answer it i tried


Col John Sheppard



Thanks, John. Reason I asked about the list is I'm thinking of compiling one myself. That would be a useful list to have, I think. Perhaps to compile such a list I should have a thread asking others to post all the mods they know that merges with it? And if such a list is wanted, should I put it in a notepad? Not everyone has Microsoft Excel or Quark or others, but everyone seems to have notepad nowadays(as well they should).

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You're welcome


as for making a list... it might take a lot of time for someone to see if the mods still works after the merges a whole database are we talking? there is a lot with new ones added


Col John Sheppard

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Annoying fan

Beautiful Jensine

Cobl Tweaks

Dark Green glass armour

Duke Patrick's Script Effect Silencer

FCOM archery

FCOM Bobs Guard Unity


FCOM Diverse Guard Unity

FCOM Enhanced Daedric Invasion

FCOM Exnem Runeskulls

FCOM Francescos

FCOM FrancescosItemaddon

FCOM Friendlier Factions

FCOM HungersUnitySI

FCOM KDCircletsOOOOOptimized

FCOM Knights

FCOM Less Rats

FCOM Less Reavers in Gates

FCOM No Spiders

FCOM No Wyverns



FCOM Safer Roads

FCOM Slof's Robe Trader

FCOM Spawn Rates Reduced

FCOM SpawnRatesSlightlyReduced

FCOM SpawnRatesStronger

FCOM TamrielicIngredients

FCOM TamrielTravellers

FCOM UnofficialFranArmorAddOn

FCOM WelkyndSwordBlood&Mud

FG Porternofollow


Mart'sMonsterMod Diversecreatureskins

Mart'sMonsterMod FriendlierFactions

Mart'sMonsterMod ReducedSpawnRates

Mart'sMonsterMod ResizedRaces




Sagerbliv Weapons

Symphony of Violence



These are the ones I know so far. I'm putting a thread on feedback/suggestions for others to add those they know of. I may not get all the mods possible, but I'll get a good working list. And using a notepad document, it'll be easy to update ever so often.

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Just use the mark mergerable function in WB


i'm well aware of the mark mergeable function. What I had wanted to know is if there was a list of mods that are mergeable. Why?


1) To go over that 250-255 merge limit, you can do so by merging what mods that can be merged into the patch


2) Just going through the 17,000 + mods looking for which ones are mergeable would take an eternity. Not all mods are in the same place. Want proof? Look for a major overhaul mod, Oblivion WarCry, on Nexus.

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  • 4 months later...

The list is a very good idea :banana:


I´m looking for such a list myself and couldn´t find any.


The mods I know which are mergeable and not in the above list are:


- Item Interchange

- Better Cities Cobl

- Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY

- Piratelords Price Adjustments

- Marts Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot

- Marts Monster Mod - Looting NPCs&Creatures

- MaleBodyReplacer V4

- Cobl Races TNR

- Cobl Races TNR SI

- TamrielTravellerAdvScript

- TamrielTravellersItemsNPC

- ROO-IV-Harvest Flora SI

- CUO UnLeveldPotions


Looking forward to your list :biggrin:

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