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How to fix invisible interface problem?


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I'm using ENB 0.114 with pretty much everything turned off except godrays (whee!) and most of my interface is invisible. All the text is completely gone and the gui is mostly gone (just outlines). I thought I could put up with it until I realised I couldn't have conversations or use my inventory. I've tried turning various ENB settings on and off, but the only thing that helps is turning ENB off altogether. :wallbash: I've heard people suggesting getting rid of Skyboost, but I don't have it.

Visible and normal:


Magic menu

Journal + Options

Invisible and weird:






Steam overlay


Downloading the latest drivers in the hope that that helps... any ideas before I completely lose my mind? :teehee:

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Updating graphics drivers didn't help at all, but I found something that did.


Go into enbseries.ini and change ProxyLibrary to enbseries.dll (mine was originally d3d9.dll)


Et voila! That easy. Posting this here in case anyone else runs into the same problem. :dance:

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