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Run on spawn Actor ('NPC_' record) script

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Sure thing the base game has plenty of scripts that look like;

Scriptname TurretMountedScript extends Actor

EVENT OnLoad()
	;do stuff

If the actor is not unique and you only want to attach the script to one instance of the actor, don't attach it to the actor form, better to use use a quest ReferenceAlias.


Edit: and to be clear you can spawn actors outside of the uGridsToLoad loaded area, the event will not fire until the cell that the actor is in loads 3D. Spawning and loading can be separate events, and a fantastic source of stacking uncontrolled spawning CTDs.

Edited by SKK50
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Thanks for the response. Your edit raises some other questions though. Aren't spawning and loading always separate events?


Upon entering a small interior cell for example, I would assume actors must spawn before loading. And when loading a save made immediately after entering the cell, the actors will already have spawned but will load again.


I'm not trying to be pedantic; suppose the script had to run before the actor loaded (and ideally run only once per instance), would there be any way to accomplish that?


Edit: Would OnInit be the event to use in this case?

Edited by baloney8sammich
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Pedantry is not a problem if it helps deliver a quality outcome.


Spawning is not a technical function, its imprecise language we seem to use when referring to creating ObjectReferences in the running world. Having a quest alias create a reference or a scripted PlaceAtMe/PlaceActorAtMe can be "spawns". A static placed actor or M marker activating is typically not a spawn.


After an ObjectReference is placed/created/spawned, attached scripts (direct or through quest aliases if running) will run OnInt() once whether the object is loaded or not. You will see a stack of debug errors from things like elevators complaining about OnInit trying to do animations with the object unloaded. Managing the state of quests and aliases can avoid that sort of script garbage if elegance is important to you.


If the Object is created/spawned within the uGridsToLoad active player radius then OnLoad() will fire, else it will not fire until the cell attaches. If the player runs away so the cell detaches and OnUnload() fires, then OnLoad() will fire again when the player returns. You can include a state or DoOnce variable flag so it only runs once:

Bool bAlreadyRun = FALSE

Event OnLoad() 
   If (bAlreadyRun == FALSE)
      bAlreadyRun = TRUE
      ;do stuff
Auto State DoOnce
   Event OnLoad() 
      ;do stuff

State Done

This does mean that the script can not be Const (holds no data), so the game has to maintain a unique instance per object if that is a performance factor.

Edited by SKK50
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Thank you for all the information.


After some tinkering I came up with this:

Scriptname ChangeOutfitIfFemale extends Actor Const

Outfit Property FemaleOutfit auto const mandatory

EVENT onLoad()
    if GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() == 1

Despite what I was expecting based on the description of SetOutfit on the CK wiki, it does what I want when run OnLoad (and not when run OnInit).


It's run by every reference based on all of the LvlRaider* records, and I may eventually attach it to other Lvl* records. Because of that it seemed like a good idea to make it Const based on your last post. I've done some very basic testing with it and it works as expected, but I expect it's going to have some unanticipated effects. I should probably open a new thread about that though.

Edited by baloney8sammich
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