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Scripting issues.


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So I'm trying to fine tune a mod I'm in the process of creating and came to a few road gaps that I'm having some big issues with.


my first issue would be that I'm trying to make a message box / menu pop up when the player activates a NPC... let me give you the run down.



The NPC is "blind" so I want the player to be able to pull little jokes on the actor. so I'v been trying to make it so that a Messege box would show up.such as the following.

(note i already have the message made, just need to figure out how to implement it to have the options 1 & 2 to pop up with another window.)


You notice that (npc) is just staring into space and enjoying the fire...


What would you like to do to them?


option 1: put a fish in their lap

option 2: wave your hands stupidly in front of their eyes to see if they will react.

option 3: Talk to NPC



If player picks options 1 or 2 then another menu would pop up and have a little blurb about what happened after the player did the action but if the PC clicked on Talk to NPC the menu would close and the normal dialogue would open up like nothing happened.


Also... with this same NPC, how would I be able to (through the dialogue) choose the place where the npc should live... such as one of the vanilla player homes to make it as if the PC has taken pity over the npc and wants to be able to care for them. (trying not to spoil my mod's storyline here)









I've been trying to get the following script to work in a scene to make it seem like a character dies of a heart attack/ old age






And plugging in the Reference Alias for actor? or do i need to make it more like <Alias_OldMan>.Kill() ?

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Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "QF_AA3Beauty_01000D62"...
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_AA3Beauty_01000D62.psc(71,0): variable JamesBarScene is undefined
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\QF_AA3Beauty_01000D62.psc(71,14): none is not a known user-defined type
No output generated for QF_AA3Beauty_01000D62, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on QF_AA3Beauty_01000D62



I got this warning when I attempted to do the following Code for my Quest Stage.






The only script at the end of screen is GetOwningQuest().Setstage(30)

And the Script to kill the old man.



I removed the old man script and it still occurs.

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You need to define the Property for JamesBarScene. Select your script from the fragments window and click the Properties button. Then add a new Quest Property called "JamesBarScene". Then in the "assign value" field you must select your quest.
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