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Plasma Rifles Awesomefied Issue


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I am posting here since it seems the author no longer checks the mod's comment section.


My issue is that when I modify the standard Plasma Rifle with a Magnetic Accelerator, Plasma Rifles Awesomefied's glow effect goes away, leaving me with the standard modded Plasma Rifle. It works perfectly fine on every other model, except Plasma Rifle+. If I take the MagAccel off, the glow effect returns, so I'm guessing there is some sort of problem with the specific model of the modified Plasma Rifle.


I have gone through the mod's comments, and no-one else seems to have this specific issue. I have tried re-installing the mod and placing it last in my load order, but the problem is still there.


Please help! I use plasma weapons a lot, so this bothers me to no end.


Running on 64-bit Windows 7. I use the standard Steam version updated to the latest patch, with all DLC's and NVSE, no other enhancements. I have tried both a manual and NMM installation of Plasma Rifles Awesomefied.


Load Order:


0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 SomeguySeries.esm
2 2 MercenaryPack.esm
3 3 ClassicPack.esm
4 4 OldWorldBlues.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 HonestHearts.esm
7 7 DeadMoney.esm
8 8 LonesomeRoad.esm
9 9 TribalPack.esm
10 a CaravanPack.esm
11 b War Never Changes.esm
12 c NVInteriors_Core.esm
13 d NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm
FINAL Seachlight Airport NCR.esm
14 e YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
15 f CompanionInfAmmo.esm
16 10 IWR.esm
17 11 Cap Removed RR.esp
18 12 lowmeleecowboy.esp
19 13 ClassicWeaponHandling.esp
20 14 FiendsWithoutEnergyWeapons.esp
21 15 Max Level 100.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
22 16 Archimedes MK2.esp
23 17 GlovesGalore_DeadMoney.esp
24 18 GlovesGalore.esp
25 19 KillingKarmaFix.esp
26 1a Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp
27 1b NekhCFinderFix.esp
28 1c Gauss Rifle Fix v0.9b.esp
29 1d NewVegasBounties.esp
30 1e Russell.esp
31 1f Fully Functional Ghoul Race Mod.esp
Colossus NV.esp
32 20 SWP Gauss Rifle.esp
33 21 All Vending Codes - Dead Money.esp
34 22 TfaT2.esp
35 23 nothugs.esp
36 24 VeronicaLovesVerasOutfit.esp
37 25 Perk Fixes.esp
38 26 pipboy2500_edisleado.esp
Classic Advanced Power Armor.esp
39 27 War Never Changes - Seven.esp
40 28 War Never Changes.esp
The Torn City.esp
41 29 Sprint Mod.esp
Project Brazil NV Courier Stash Control.esp
Project Brazil NV DLC Control.esp
42 2a BlackCombatHelmet.esp
43 2b ShadowGasMaskBreathing.esp
44 2c Jack'sLuckyHat.esp
45 2d Classic SuperSledge (Replacer).esp
46 2e outsidebets.esp
47 2f Desert Ranger Armor Fix.esp
48 30 Ranger Armor Fix.esp
49 31 Riot Armor Fixes.esp
50 32 RiotCombatShotgunCrafting.esp
51 33 Riot Gear Neck Cover.esp
52 34 CraftableFireBomb.esp
53 35 Rad Child Limb Healing and Radiation Immunity.esp
54 36 Primm - Escaped Convict - Faction Powder Ganger.esp
55 37 FiendDoctor.esp
56 38 FiendTrader1.esp
57 39 Extra-Characters---Fiends-Quest-ENABLED.esp
58 3a The Law Won.esp
59 3b REPCON Gren.esp
60 3c ThermicLanceFireEffects.esp
61 3d BetterGeneralsOutfit.esp
62 3e PlasmaPackinEDE.esp
63 3f Sequoia.esp
64 40 ProneMode.esp
65 41 NewVegasKiller.esp
66 42 StealthSuitHelm_NV.esp
67 43 AG Supplementary Uniques-GRA.esp
68 44 No Ash and Goo.esp
Factions Reloaded Legion.esp
69 45 Moe Mod.esp
70 46 HW-Powerfist-7UPD.esp
71 47 MetalArmor14DT.esp
72 48 ArmourRepairKits.esp
73 49 Better5.56mmGun.esp
74 4a BugFix - The Screams of Brahmin.esp
75 4b Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style + No Chanced).esp
76 4c Mojave Raiders.esp
77 4d CIB Supermutants.esp
78 4e BetterLaLongueCarabine.esp
79 4f YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
80 50 Uncut Wasteland.esp
81 51 StrongerHomemadeExplosives.esp
82 52 VarmintRifle22LR.esp
83 53 WeightlessAmmo.esp
84 54 StrongerCentaurs.esp
85 55 PewPewRebalance.esp
86 56 Durable10mmPistol.esp
87 57 AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp
88 58 Tri-ShooterEnergyRebalanced.esp
89 59 Classic energy weapons.esp
90 5a SaveCass.esp
91 5b BetterSniperRifle.esp
92 5c CourierCacheWSE.esp
93 5d VeryHardCustom50x300.esp
94 5e CleansingFlameRedesign.esp
95 5f The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
96 60 TeslaArmorEnhanced.esp
97 61 ArcadeGannonRebalanced.esp
98 62 NewVegasBountiesII.esp
99 63 TinGrenadeNoPerk.esp
100 64 Seeker Armor.esp
101 65 YCSRebalanced.esp
102 66 coc.esp
103 67 Mercy25mm.esp
104 68 ValenceRadiiLowerDT.esp
105 69 Classic Pulse Grenade (classic sound).esp
Classic Pulse Grenade (vanilla sound).esp
106 6a YUP - OWB Fix.esp
107 6b StrongerRoboScorpionBoss.esp
108 6c Rebreather.Headgear.NonquestV1.1.esp
109 6d T-52bEnhanced.esp
110 6e TheInheritance.esp
111 6f SierraPAnoBearLIGHTSON.esp
112 70 Euclid'sCFinderLessWeight.esp
113 71 BetterHuntingRifle.esp
114 72 Improved Throwing1.esp
115 73 veronica_no_hood.esp
116 74 VeronicaRebalanced.esp
117 75 shut up musicspeakers.esp
118 76 Fallout 1 and 2 ambient music v0.2.esp
119 77 ChineseOfficersSword.esp
120 78 NailGunValueReduced.esp
121 79 RechargersReversedLessWeight.esp
122 7a NoFactionArmor.esp
123 7b RedScareRedesigned.esp
124 7c VanGraffHostilityFactionFix.esp
125 7d VanGraffHostilityQuestFix.esp
126 7e DreadHelmets.esp
127 7f PlasmaCasterRebalanced.esp
128 80 BooneRebalanced.esp
129 81 OpenHelmets.esp
130 82 MadScientist_Mask.esp
131 83 NCRassassin.esp
132 84 Hooded Hazmat Cowl and more.esp
133 85 Fully Functional Raider Race Mod.esp
134 86 ArizonaArmy.esp
135 87 Sequoia_NoText.esp
136 88 ammofix.esp
137 89 PlasmaPistolsRebalanced.esp
138 8a IWR - Rebuilt.esp
139 8b MCL_Weapon_Pack.esp
140 8c M1897.esp
141 8d BetterPlasmaRifle.esp
142 8e ED-EGreenLaserWeak.esp
143 8f RaulRebalanced.esp
144 90 AG Supplementary Uniques-AllInOne.esp
Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (replacer, no holster).esp
145 91 Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (non-replacer, no holster).esp
Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (non-replacer, holster).esp
146 92 PlasmaRifleAwesomefied.esp

Edited by Qaerixxszhara
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Re-read your problem description. How do you have an effect "go away" when it doesn't exist before you add the weapon mod? If it does exist already, why are you adding a mod to give you the same effect? Often, accurately describing a problem makes the solution obvious.


The "closest match" to your apparent symptoms (no effect from adding the weapon mod) is found in the 'Issue: WMM "The Weapon Mod Menu" won't let me add a weapon mod in game' entry under the "Solutions to Control problems" section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. Even if you aren't using WMM, the underlying issue may be the cause.

If you are the only one to have a particular problem, then most probably it is the result of either your "load order" or a "mod conflict", or something else specific to your setup. And we aren't going to be able to figure out what is causing the issue from just a list of symptoms. Which is why we always say:


Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as if you are using a "regional language version" of the game; using the FNV4GB Patch, NVSE and it's related plugins; replacements for textures (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), animations, or "bodies", etc.; and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX. It saves us playing "20 questions" and gets you a more specific answer more quickly. (The usual turn-around on post and reply in an older game forum is 24 hours.)

* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags".


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Ah! Much clearer now.


Regret to tell you that the issue is with how "weapon mods" are actually implemented. There are essentially two parts: one is "specs", and the other is "graphics". When you add most "weapon mods" they cause some visual alteration to the model. This requires an actual replacement model to be used. What you are describing indicates that the "Magnetic Accelerator" version of the Plasma Rifle+ does not exist with the Awesomefied's glow effect. That might be due to it's absence from the mod, or (I suspect more likely) from some other mod (which is dependent upon "install order" and will not be fixed by changing the "load order" sequence) being installed after and replacing the Awesomefied's "Magnetic Accelerator" version of the Plasma Rifle+ model. (Did you remember to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-on again after you moved it to the bottom of your "load order"? Just as with adding or removing a mod from the mix, that is necessary when you change position within the "load order". Also rebuild any "merge patch" files.)


That load order is not sorted correctly. You also have too many plugins (both active and inactive), as well as needing a "merge/bash patch".

Please see the 'Vanilla "Load Order"' entry in the 'First Timer Advice' section; and the 'Common Game Problems' section, of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

I recommend you read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to mod FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so.


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Awesomefied's Nexus page clearly shows a Plasma Rifle+ model with the glow effect, so I'm sure there is some kind of issue. Is there a chance turning ArchiveInvalidation off and on again might fix it?


I must admit I never understood what a bash patch is supposed to add/help. I made one for both Skyrim and Oblivion, and I never noticed any positive effect whatsoever.


I know my plugins need some cleaning up, I just haven't found the time to undertake the project yet, as it seems like something that would take all day at this point.

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I believe your basic problem with the Plasma Rifle+ is that a mod you installed afterwards overwrote the "Magnetic Accelerator" model. This is an "install order" problem that "ArchiveInvalidation" cannot resolve. Sorry if that wasn't clear from my description. However the difference between "install order" and "load order" is explained in the "Terminology" section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Just to be clear: you need to properly sort your "load order" to avoid problems. Start with LOOT (linked in the "General Mod Use Advice" article). That should solve most load order issues and take only moments. If by "cleaning up" you are referring to the old practice of running mods through xEdit (FNVEdit), we do not recommend that with FNV mods. It's best done by the mod authors who understand what is needed and what is "dirty".


If you take the time to read the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article it should clarify why you need such a patch file. It's effects are not particularly obvious, but very real.


There are a whole host of things you need to do before playing FNV to get a stable game. That's what the "General Mod Advice" article is all about. Rushing into play without the proper prep work means you are going to get to a point where you have no choice but to start over to resolve things, wasting hours of game time. This conclusion is the result of years of bitter experience by the community. Take the time now, or take even more later: your choice.



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By clean up I meant delete some stuff. I'm down to 119 total plugins now.


I seem to have most of what is recommended by the guide, except for the 4GB patch. I am quite worried about moving my game out of Program Files, as I'm afraid of simply losing all of it.


I have sorted with LOOT now. However, the problem with Awesomefied still persists. Also, if the issue is that something was installed that overwrote the Plasma Rifle+ model, why does a complete re-install of Awesomefied not overwrite with its Plasma Rifle+ model? When I install it using NMM, it says "fxwhite2.dds" was already installed by another mod, but I agree to activate Awesomefied's file instead.





Ok so after some cleaning up in my plugins, doing some isolating became way easier. Turns out that TWO of my mods were in conflict with Plasma Rifles Awesomefied; Plasma Packin' ED-E, and PipBoy 2500.


What I don't get is how the latter makes any sense whatsoever, and especially why it only causes problems for the Plasma Rifle+.


So is it possible to do a merge patch to make both work? I really hate the standard PipBoy, it ruins like half the game's armours.

Edited by Qaerixxszhara
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The 4GB Patch is essential for getting the game to use more than only 2GB of memory. Without it you are going to have problems even with only 119 plugins, especially texture heavy ones like you prefer.


If you follow the procedure laid out in the "General Mod Advice" article, your biggest problem will be keeping track of which mods you installed. That is where exporting your "mods" and "profile plugins" lists beforehand will help. Your save game files should be safe regardless.


To confirm the file overwrite is the cause, try without either of the two conflicting installed. Did you try uninstalling all three mods, toggle "ArchiveInvalidation", then installing "PipBoy 2500", followed by "Plasma Packin' ED-E", and finally "Plasma Rifles Awesomefied", then rebuilding your "merge patch file"? As mentioned earlier, a "merge patch" is not going to solve an overwritten model file problem, because only one file can exist and that will always be the last one installed.


Please see the wiki article "Compatibility Patching" for the basic process. There is also the "Multiple file Merge-Up Procedure" article for a more complex example.


Or consider a different Pipboy mod such as the "Readius". (I have no idea why it would conflict with "Awesomefied". That IS weird. But if you don't have the 4GB Patch installed, low memory can explain a lot of weirdness.)



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Is allocating more memory that essential? The guide mostly seems to explain how and not why for a lot of these things. Again, I did it for Skyrim a while back and I didn't feel any increase in performance or stability. I'm sorry if I'm asking dumb questions here, I am horrible at technical stuff like this. I really appreciate the help.


What do you mean exporting my lists? From what I gathered from the guide, I can just move the folder in its entirety to another harddrive (I already have a Steam2 on my D: drive due to space issues)


I played around an hour or so earlier with neither of the conflicts installed, and the Awesomefied glow effect looked just like it should. One weird thing is that if I change any of my attire, the glow effect from Awesomefied dissapears and I have to re-equip my weapon to "turn it back on" so to speak. This has never been an issue on any other weapon. It's not really a big deal, but just incredibly odd.


If I want to try the AI test, should I toggle it on, then install all 3 mods in that order, and then toggle it off afterwards, or? And should I run the game at any point during the process, or only after doing all of that?


Yea Readius might be an option, thanks for the link. I would just strongly prefer the imo much more fitting and iconic PipBoy 2500 model if possible. As my load order probably reveals, I love a lot of the old models for weapons and gear.

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There is an old adage in computing which is still appropriate: there is no such thing as "too much" memory or disk space.

The "vanilla" FNV requires 2GB of system RAM, and dedicated 64MB of video memory (VRAM). The default allocation of memory for a 32-bit program by Windows is 2GB. Every time you add some mod (whether meshes, textures, NPCs, Quests, scripts, changes to something "vanilla", or what have you) you are adding to the "code" used by the game. All of that requires more memory space. When the memory in use pushes up against the allocation limit (which cannot exceed 4GB in any case for a 32-bit program because it cannot address more than that much memory), the system has to "swap out" the least used elements in order to make room for whatever it is trying to load for use at that moment. (The only alternative is to halt the program.) This does affect performance and possibly stability if the game (especially with mods) does not take sufficient care to not exceed the allocation limit. And there is plenty of verification that it doesn't, causing CTDs (Crash To Desktop).

If this "swapped out" code is "graphics", then you are likely to see "stutter" in the display as the video card has to wait for "art assets" to be loaded from disk instead of memory. This MIGHT underlay what you see when you "change attire" and lose the glow effect from "Awesomefied". (I stress "might" because I don't know how "Awesomefied" achieves that effect. It does seem strange but is likely explained by you using that many mods while only having 2GB of memory allocated.)

The "Graphics" or "video pipeline" is known to be prone to "memory leaks", which means it writes into portions of memory beyond what it is supposed to use (allocated), causing corruption of whatever is already there; usually leading to CTDs. More memory enables the game to allocate more memory to it's various resources, which reduces how often or the overall likelyhood of it exceeding those limits. You are not normally going to see any visible improvements beyond the reduction in CTDs and stutter.

By "exporting" your lists I mean copying them out to the clipboard (as if you were going to post them in the forums) and saving them in a document you can then refer to later. All the mod managers have this capability.

You cannot just "move" your game folder. You can copy it to another drive (i.e. "D:"), but you then have to uninstall the game from Steam, and then re-install it to your new location ("D:\Steam2") so it updates the registry entries correctly. You will probably need to update (or even re-install) your mod manager to tell it where to find that game in the new location as well. Failure to do that will cause major problems otherwise.

Toggling AI is usually just that: off-and-then-on again once the mods are installed. But you can turn it off, install multiple mods, and then turn it back on when done. The purpose is to tell the game engine which "loose files" it is supposed to use instead of the vanilla ones in the game BSA files. Toggling it tells the game engine to re-read the loose files and update it's list, but it has to be "on" to use that list. Then you run the game.


If you encounter any problems, please ask rather than "pushing on".



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