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Help with Custom Companion and Script Compiling


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Recently decided to make a custom follower. Rather than attempting to make it a comprehensive follower, I just wanted to get some practice in for the real thing. I followed the Tutorial video by Seddon4494 on Youtube, which I followed to the letter (except the names of course). Everything was perfect when I went to compile the Papyrus Script, in the Quest Stages tab of the GavinaCompQuest (Gavina being the name of the companion). In the papyrus fragment section of Quest stage 10, Recruit NPC, I wrote




without the quotation marks, and entered compile. The error message that was displayed were as follows:

Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "Fragments:Quests:QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C"...
C:\Users\Tianjun Wan\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C.psc(7,0): variable FollowerScript is undefined
C:\Users\Tianjun Wan\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C.psc(7,15): none is not a known user-defined script type
C:\Users\Tianjun Wan\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C.psc(7,27): void is not a known user-defined script type
No output generated for Fragments:Quests:QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on Fragments:Quests:QF_GavinaCompQuest_01000F9C
I must mention that I had already created the Property, named Gavina, and is correctly referenced to the Quest GavinaCompQuest and the Alias Gavina.
So I am at a loss. I am not sure what has caused these errors to occur, as I have made sure that there were no spelling mistakes, no blanks left unfilled, and the psc file for FollowerScript was inside the source folder. What I do think is a potential issue is that my Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit are both installed on F:\ Drive, while the error messages pointed to C:\ Drive. Not sure if that is related.
If anyone has an idea as to what the problem is, or has a solution, I would be very grateful. Please also let me know if I have left out any important info, or if my description of the problem is unclear.
Thank you very much.
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Don't know it exactly, but it sounds as you have forget to set the variable for your questscript. Mostly that is the stuff you find under properties right of the script fragment screen.


Better check if you have set there properties and if they are the same as shown in the video.

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One thing I can see offhand is that FollowerScript should be "FollowersScript" =)


Like this: "FollowersScript.GetScript().SetCompanion(Gavina.GetActorReference())"

Edited by NikaCola
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I would use a property instead of GetScript, the property would be like that:


Type: FollowersScript

Name: Followers

[x] Mandatory


Use Autofill, it will fill the property using the Followers quest, then use:


Edited by DieFeM
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Thanks for the responses.


Turns out the only issue was me missing an S in the line. Silly.


So I've gotten it to work somewhat, but other issues have surfaced, for example my NPC wouldn't move from the same spot before or after recruiting. The command function works and I can make her stand where I want her to, and she assists in combat. Trading and dismissing also works. However, aside from actively commanding her, she does not follow me around, or engage in any sandboxing activities. I made sure to put the Sandboxing AI package in the actor tab, but it doesn't seem to work.


I've no clue what went wrong. I will probably open up a new topic and try to solve the issue.


Thank you very much.

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  • 1 year later...
Having a similar issue but did not forget the s. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but in the end no matter what I do I can't make it work quite right. The Companion seems to begin to follow because my other vanilla companion is dismissed but the companion never follows and can't be commanded to go places etc.
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