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NPCs Standing At Dragonsreach


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EDIT: Ended up having to start a new game anyway after needing to remove a few mods that were causing other issues. This thread can be deleted.





Everytime I go to Dragonsreach, a bunch of NPCs just stand right outside the door. I can talk to them, I can push them to move, but they don't leave. I also noticed that some of my followers won't follow me up the steps to Dragonsreach. I've tried disabling a bunch of mods that I could think of that may affect NPCs, but they still stand there and not continuing their AI schedules. I even tried doing 'resetAI' in the console but that did nothing (just the ones at the door). I also tried the enable-disable method on them (also only ones at the door), but they still refused to get on with their lives. Considering how some of my followers don't follow me up the Dragonsreach steps, coupled with NPCs continually standing at the door, I'm not sure if it's an AI issue or a navmesh issue. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with this and what fixed it. My loadorder is below in case ones of the mods I'm using has been known to do this to anyone's knowledge. Like I said though, already tried disabling mods, but at some point I can't even load the save anymore and while I -have- read what mods may cause save corruption when removed, I can't remember specifically which ones do that. I also tried save cleaning. It's not game-breaking and I can still continue with normal play in the meantime, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by Sevron
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