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reinstalling skyrim looking for compatable mods


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i am going to reinstall skyrim do to bug from past mods and stuff, and wanted to see if there is a list somewhere on what dungeons can be used together as that seems to be were most of my problems come from.


also if anyone wants to inform me of any mods they like outside of what dungeons can be used together that would be nice as i am replacing most of the mods i used to use (gotta change things up a bit right?)


thanks for the help

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here is a small list of what i know I'll be keeping from the mods i have.


in no real order




Dark Races by Bella

Bound tools by Vonwarr

Blacksmiths have Metals by Lfox

Catagorized favorties menu by Favmenumodder

Dovahkin Sanctuary of Riverwood by Observe

Dragonbone weapons by AeonVita

Spouses can live everywhere by amgepo and Emma

Leveler tower by WillieSea

SkyUI if i can get that warning box to go away

Build your own home by Supermastypants


and thats about it, everything else is up in the air, any input on some good mods would help a lot

Edited by LexSama
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How could you possibly leave out

SkyUI by SkyUI Team



More Craftables by AeonVita


If you like Dwemer armor (I'm doing a heavy armor playthru for a change)

Space Wiking Dwemer Exoskeleton by SpaceWiking

Dwemer Autoblade by acey195


and just for the sake of a shameless plug :)

Statics 2 Containers by flobalob


i left out SkyUI as the few times i have tried it, it would crash my system, but maybe with my new computer it just might work.

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i left out SkyUI as the few times i have tried it, it would crash my system, but maybe with my new computer it just might work.


Really, I've been using SkyUI since it got advertised on Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 7 (mid December) and haven't had a single issue with it.

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Really, I've been using SkyUI since it got advertised on Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 7 (mid December) and haven't had a single issue with it.


i think my problem was as i said my old computer (it was over 7 years old when i replaced it) it just barely had the min Specs for vanilla skyrim without anything else running in the back ground that is without windows running even ^^;

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ok about to do the reinstall, hoping everything goes well, and that i find all the files when i delete the folders ^^; i think that maybe have messed me up a bit last time,


by the way has anyone made a program to check that no mods put something in the same place ? that would be very usefull

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well then, i think skyrim is just toast for me, as for some reason even without mods running on a fresh install, 80% of helgen is missing and i cant get past the opening movie -_- guess i'll play something else since this game is just to buggy
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