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Improved Immersion


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Some ideas for a mod that improves immersion through some simple visual and sound additions. I noticed that there was some chatter earlier about steaming breath (due to cold weather) but it doesn't seem like it was fully realized. In my opinion, the mod would not need to create steaming breath for all npcs, which could be a lot of work and end up looking repetitive and strange. Instead the mod would focus on first person additions, modifying the in-game 'out of breath' sounds and replacing them with breathing sounds that matched a noticeable, but not overdone, amount of steam/vapor in the first person view. This alone, would enhance the game in my opinion.


If the modder had time, I think that this concept could be expanded on by adding additional breathing sounds to indicate the character's condition: chattering or irregular breathing in cold weather, occasional coughing after becoming diseased, labored breathing at high altitudes, etc. On top of this, I think that there are some additional sounds that could be improved for immersion: the sound of wet boots/clothes after crossing through water, the sound of creaking floorboards and stairs, the rustle of plants that that character brushes against, the crunch of packed snow as the character walks through it.


Obviously some of these are more easily done than others. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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