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CTDs in a very particular space outside of Riften


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I'm having an unbelievable annoying issue with CTDs right outside of Riten, on the south gate road, right outside of Snow-Shod Farm.


As someone who detest fast-travel, and likes to explore the game, its error is unbelievably infuriating.


I started in Riverwood, I had just finished the quest

in which Delphine sends you to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy

and I took the road south out of Riverwood, through the hold of Falkreath then eastward, and into the Rift. I walked the entire distance from Riverwood to Riften without a single issue. Killed some stuff here and there, wandered up to Froki's Shack, mined some ore, went to Riften. Once I entered Riften I proceeded to the sewers to do the 'A Cornered Rat'.

I reached the Ratway Warrens, I killed some Thalmor, I talked to Esbern, completed 'A Cornered Rat' and Started 'Alduin's Wall.'



After I left the city, the problem started. I intended to walk back to Riverwood the way I had come in; via the south road connecting the Rift with Falkreath, and into Riverwood. I walked a little ways past the Snow-Shod Farm and my game CTDs. I figured it might have just been one of those few and far between crashes I get once in a while, but it wasn't. I started the game back up and and tried again; crash in almost the exact same spot. I tried this several times with the same results.


I fast traveled to Riverwood and took

Esbern to Delphine

, told them to meet me at the location, and went to Breezehome and waited for 30 days, and went back to see if the issue was solved. It was not. (Could doing a forced cell reset via the console possibly get the job done?)


Then I tried loading a previous save. Still had the crash, even though I was about 2 quests back from where I was.


I then tried fast-traveling to Snow-Shod farm, and tried walking from there. It seemed as if this had miraculously fixed the problem, but then I CTD'd not much farther down the road.


It seems like there's a would be 'bubble' of corrupted data. I've narrowed it down to what I think are two possible reasons.


1) On my way TO Riften from Riverwood, I encountered a bugged corpse that was standing and moving a bit as if it was alive, but it was not. I opened the console and disabled it. For whatever reason this might have caused some issues.


2) Somewhere down the line between entering Riften,

saving Esbern

, and obtaining the

Alduin's Wall quest from Esbern

that particular patch of data became corrupted. (Neither of these thoughts explain why the game still crashed when reverting to an old save, though.)


Every papyrus log sense this started has ended with these last few lines:



(000C6973)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.SetAnimationVariableFloat() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000C6973)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.OnLoad() - "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38

[07/16/2012 - 10:09:19PM] error: (000C6984): cannot find variable named fToggleBlend.


[ (000C6984)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.SetAnimationVariableFloat() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000C6984)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.OnLoad() - "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38

[07/16/2012 - 10:09:19PM] error: (000C6982): cannot find variable named fToggleBlend.


[ (000C6982)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.SetAnimationVariableFloat() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000C6982)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.OnLoad() - "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38

[07/16/2012 - 10:09:19PM] error: (000C6963): cannot find variable named fToggleBlend.


[ (000C6963)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.SetAnimationVariableFloat() - "<native>" Line ?

[ (000C6963)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.OnLoad() - "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38



The very last line ALWAYS ends with "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38


Not line 1, not line 93, not line 24. ALWAYS line 38.


I have no idea what that script is, but any time I've gotten a CTD this line of script seems to always be the culprit, even outside of this specific zone crash.


If needed I'll upload my mod list, but frankly I don't see how any mods would cause this issue suddenly.

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