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Oblivion-esc Blocking without Drawing Weapons


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What it says on the tin.


In Oblivion, you could block with a shield without having to draw your main weapon, which makes sense given that the shield is always in your hand. There are times when you get hit by an attack because you held right click to block and your character decided to draw their weapon first, and though one hit might not be that big of a deal to some, it can be the difference against certain enemies or on higher difficulties. Besides that, it also would just be a swell ease-of-life mod. I have no idea why they would remove this from Skyrim given that it was, again, in the PREVIOUS game, but here we are.


Just to be completely clear, all I ask is to be able to block with my weapon drawn or sheathed, not for any real change to how blocking works per say, just changes to when I am ABLE to block.

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